5 Ways to Improve Work-Life Balance

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Redemption from the incessant piles of office work is essential to maintain a jubilant lifestyle. The advancements in technology have made working professional from home a piece of cake. A practical approach is the need of the hour. In order to complete a task, you must have a list of priorities. A specific amount of time should be dedicated to every activity. Whether it is a chore like cleaning your cupboard or a file that you need to review for work, segregation and time allotment is a must. As Hilary Clinton says, “Don’t confuse having a career with having a life.” Here are a few tips to improve work-life balance. It will enable you to lead a healthy and happy life without any work stress or problems.


Try to complete your office work within your office hours. Don’t be distracted while at the office. Focus on your work. Your boss will be happier if you are able to complete work at the office rather than doing it at home. Don’t overburden yourself. Do as much as you can and leave the rest for the next day. You may try completing the smaller tasks first. This way you will complete more tasks in one day. Leaving the lengthier tasks for later will allow you to give more time to those tasks. You can present a well-researched document. It will show your devotion and it will give you a chance to create a good image in front of your colleagues.

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Time Management

Use a calendar to prioritize your tasks. You may try maintaining a journal for the same. You may use different crayons or markers for different categories to help you identify these tasks easily. I would suggest that you put the toughest tasks first. Completing them will give you a sense of accomplishment and you will feel motivated to complete the tasks that follow. Don’t just make the time table for your professional tasks. If your work is time-consuming and demands more attention, ensure that you either wake up early or finish your office work within the given time limit. You can use the extra hours in the morning to learn some hobby or to meditate. This trick will help you to improve your work-life balance

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Family Time

At the end of the day, you are working to earn for your family. It is important to spend quality time with the people who matter the most to you. Divide the work among each family member. For example, your spouse could manage the groceries and you could pay off some bills and do the laundry. If your children are old enough to help, then you could request them to help you out with cooking or doing the dishes. This division of work will ensure that all the tasks are completed in a short span of time and then you can spend time together. Enjoy these hours to share a cup of coffee with one another or to play a game of cards or an interesting board game. It will improve your family bonding and you will feel more at ease. You can use this time to discuss important issues and reach useful conclusions.

It’s Vacation Time!

Everyone needs to get away from their mundane day to day life. Be a traveler. Even a two-day weekend trip can reduce your work stress. Explore, find new places to visit. Plan trips with your family or friends and leaves all your work commitments behind. Go to parties and family functions whenever you can find the time. These small breaks can do wonders. Relish these moments. You may also take a day off to go to that adventure park which you have been dying to visit. Don’t wait for the perfect time to come. It is now or never. By waiting, you will only increase your workload and work more. Instead of becoming a workaholic, trying to have some fun. This trick will help you to improve your work-life balance.

Me Time!

Take out time to retrospect. Take out time for self-inspection. Practice meditation or yoga. If you happen to be free on a weekday, don’t commit to going out with your friend or colleague. Don’t feel obliged. If you want to enjoy this time all by yourself, it is completely fine. You deserve some time off work and other obligations. At this time do something you want to do. Don’t run errands or do household chores. Find an interesting activity, something that will help you improve your thinking. Try building on your ideologies about various themes and topics. Form your opinions based on proofs. Take your time to do such research and clarify your views. It is important to remember that you cannot think about your work during these hours.

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According to me, if you can excel in the five activities mentioned above, then it will be easier for you to improve a healthy lifestyle and work-life balance along with your job. You may make changes and include more or fewer tasks based on your job type and your personality. You should implement whatever works best for you. It is about your improvement, not anyone else’s.


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