5 Ways to Treat Your Team to Something Special

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Having the perfect team morale and cohesion is essential in ensuring your team’s performance is high. You need to have the best strategies to ensure that you have the team love to working with you.

Treating your team to something remarkable results in increased productivity. We will look at some of the ways you can raise your team’s output level by treating them like family. Here are 5 ways To Treat Your Team To Something Special.

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1. Team outings and team building activities

Scheduling company outings are a perfect way to ensure that your team gets out of the office and takes a break from their routine. The activities and games that are part of the outing constitute a significant part of the team cohesiveness.

When the teams are outside the office, they are free to indulge and share. They leave all their ranks back in the office to ensure all cadre of employees can mingle despite their position or rank.

2. Offer Food And Refreshments In The Office

Different reasons affect a team’s performance. One of the reasons that mess up the team’s spirit is when employees have had nothing to eat and are hungry.

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Due to different financial obligations, it is possible to have some team members who may not afford to buy lunch or refreshments. When you give the team food in the office, you kill two birds with one stone. You raise the team’s morale, and secondly, you save on time that the team takes when going for a lunch break.


On the other hand, you need to ensure that refreshments are offered. For instance, a monthly gourmet coffee subscription for the breakroom. Gourmet coffee brings better flavor and more pleasant aromas compared to cheaper alternatives. The result is a more pleasant-tasting cup of coffee, something your employees will come to appreciate.

3. Offer Transport

Getting to work on time while fresh and rejuvenated is one of the most critical factors that make the team perfect. It would be best to consider offering transportation options to the employees to reduce the hustles of catching a bus daily. The availability of transport makes the staff avoid harsh weather elements when they are heading to work.

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4. Reward The Performance With Personal Gifts

When you create a system that rewards the team after having a good performance, you boost their morale. The target that the staff is told to achieve is met due to the hope of receiving a gift. You need to have upgrades around the office and add little perks to boost morale. The extras can be bonuses or vouchers from high-end restaurants.

5. Give Perks That Are Affecting Their Immediate Family Members

A perfect team works better when all the team members are at peace both at home and in the office. When you have perks that affect the team family members, the employees will have fewer personal issues to think about when they are working professional. The perks you may give the employees include; medical cover, scholarships for their kids and family area, or daycare for mothers.

Final thought

When you have your teams’ welfare in mind, you get to have the best output from your staff. The perfect output that the teams provide will eventually trickle down to your company’s other aspects, creating growth.

Taking the time to treat your employees to something special takes your business to the next level. With the right treats and high levels of morale, you get a competitive edge in your niche.

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