6 Answers: “Why Do you Want This Job?”

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When you get a chance to create a great impression in a job interview, make it count! There are some frequently asked interview questions that are basic and therefore most of the job seekers take it lightly and do not understand the relevance of it. They fail to understand that these questions are actually a game-changer. One such interview questions are “Why do you want this job?”. This interview question is elemental. Here is an article on 6 Answers: “Why Do You Want This Job?” And if you do not have a good answer to that, you might get dismissed. So take it seriously!
First of all, try to understand why recruiters ask this question. There are several reasons for that.

Firstly, the employer wants to know whether you are suited for the job or not. Secondly, they want to know your motive behind joining the company. Whether you are here just for the money and incentives? Or you are here to serve their purpose? Will you end up leaving the job if in case you are offered a better salary in some other firm? Thirdly, they also want to see if you can easily fit into the company’s culture or not. To put it simply, employers are looking for employees who are passionate, have a better understanding of the company, and are committed at the same time. Know More Details on Services For Working Professionals.

A compelling answer to this interview question can actually set the scene for you to get hired. This interview question holds the key to convincing the recruiter that you are the best candidate among all the others. Therefore, it’s better to know the do’s and don’ts while dealing with this interview question. Preparation is necessary if you want to give an impressive answer that comes out naturally.

So here we will put you through a number of ways which will help you to tackle the interview question ” Why do you want this job? ” with great efficacy and potency:

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1. Do Some Research About The Job And The Company

Your interest in the company and the job will give you a bonus point in front of the recruiter. So what you can do is that, visit the company’s website. Take out time and go through their accomplishments, blog, history, about us, etc. Get all the relevant information about the company. If in case you know some employees who are already working at the company or have worked with it previously, you can approach them as well. Ask them about the company’s culture and environment. Lastly, you can even do some Google search if required. This will give you a broader knowledge of the company.

2. Know The Employer’s Need

6 Answers: “Why Do You Want This Job?”

Firstly, when you are asked this question, it’s important to show the interviewers that you have understood the interview question properly and that you know what they actually want to know from the answer. This shows your intelligence. So do not miss any point and do not give any irrelevant information. Secondly, there are basic things that employers look for in an employee. They want someone who is passionate about the job and the company. Who will stick with the job for a long time? Someone who will easily understand the company‘s culture so that he/she won’t find it difficult to work in the company’s environment.

So your answer should be in such a way that it satisfies the employer’s needs. It should convince them that you are the employer that they should be hiring. Tell them that there is a valid reason why you are passionate about the job and the company and are excited to join. Show them the skill that you acquire matches the role that you will be doing. Also, show them how well you understand the company’s culture in advance and will easily connect with it once you start the job. Lastly, you have to convince them that you are not someone who would leave the job in between and that you will stick with the job for longer.

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3. Sound Reliable And Confident

Remember, the interviewers are very sharp while playing their roles. They can easily figure out if someone tries to give a slick answer as they deal with several candidates. Your job here is to be convincing at the same time be factual. So do not sound vague. Be composed and cool and confident. A nervous person sounds unreliable and dubious. Plus, It’s equally important that you choose your word carefully. Just be honest to yourself because at the end of the day you are the one who is going to do this particular job. Know More Details on Workplace Communication Masterclass.

4. Admire The Company As Well As The Job

Who doesn’t like admiration? It feels good when someone recognizes the qualities of success in us. Isn’t it? I am not saying go over the top and say something which makes them feel like you are buttering them just to get hired. Sound genuine and real. Boost the company’s general reputation and its success. Mention some key leaders of the company which you admire, if in case you do. Show the employers how you respect the company’s values and morals. 

5. Connect To Your Audience

Now that you know your audience and what they are seeking, it’s time to connect with them emotionally through your story. This will send them positive vibes and will create a huge impact on them. Of course, the employers know that they are paying you to do the job and that the basic motive of every employee is to earn money and grow their career. But what they really want to hear is, what will they get in return.

So show them that you are here to serve the company. And that you connect with the company’s value. For example, if you are applying for a social networking site, you can say something like this, “I have an intuitive desire to make a positive social impact in the world. And I know that the company provides one of the largest social networks and its prime motive is to build stronger communities. So for someone with my particular skill set like online payments, e-commerce, and social media, it will be beneficial for the company.”

6. Rehearse

Before you go for an actual interview, it’s important that you practice your answer in advance. Sometimes due to interview pressure, a person becomes nervous and ends up stammering while answering. It’s pretty common to be on edge before an interview. So prepare yourself and answer in advance. Know the order in which you are going to say things. And yes, rehearse. The more you practice, the more you will sound natural. Remember, the practice creates confidence!

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6 Answers: “Why Do You Want This Job?”

Job hunting can be a daunting task, especially in today’s highly competitive job market. To make the process easier and more effective, job seekers need to equip themselves with the right tools and skills. Two essential resources for job seekers are the Job Hunt Tool Kit Certification Course Course. In this article, we will discuss the importance of these resources and how they can help job seekers land their dream jobs.

The Job Hunt Tool Kit Certification Course is a collection of resources and tools that can help job seekers streamline their job search process. The kit typically includes tools like a resume builder, cover letter templates, interview preparation guides, job search engines, and networking resources. By using these resources, job seekers can create a polished and professional job application package that will catch the attention of hiring managers.

One of the key benefits of the Job Hunt Tool Kit Certification Course is that it saves job seekers time and effort. Instead of spending hours researching job search strategies and tools, job seekers can rely on the Tool Kit’s pre-selected and curated resources. This allows job seekers to focus their time and energy on applying for jobs, networking, and preparing for interviews. Know More Details on Job Hunt Tool Kit Certification Course.


Now that you know how what to keep in mind while answering this question, it’s equally important to know what mistakes we should be avoided when you are asked this question.

Most job seekers take this question for granted, therefore they end up giving a generic answer such as, “I want this job because this company is awesome” or they simply say, “I want this job because I have a lot to offer”. Job interviewers deal with tons of answers which are generic. So if you want to hit a home run with this interview, try to give an answer which is unique.

Do not give a casual answer like “I am here because I saw an ad on the paper” or “my friend suggested to me this company”. This sounds rude as well as shows how casual you will be towards the job once you are recruited. Remember, every company or firm wants sincere employers who are passionate about their work. If they feel that you are someone distinct from the company, they might not hire you.

Do not over-praise yourself or else you will end up sounding egoistic. Rather give a balanced answer where you reflect an equal amount of pride as well as modesty. And do not over-praise the company as well. Over-pleasing can backfire as the interviewer might assume that you are buttering and being phony.

It’s a fact that almost every candidate gives importance to salary, but it’s not appropriate to mention salary or incentives as a reason to join the job until and unless you are asked for salary requirements. They do not want someone who is here for money, rather they want to hire someone who is here for a bigger purpose. Do not mention advantages like the “proximity of your house to the office” or “convenience of traveling” as a reason to join the job.

While answering this question you do have to give a brief about why you left your previous job. It’s something which interviewers are keen to know. So do not come down on your previous job or firm if in case you had a bad experience with the company you worked with within the past. Because the interviewer will judge you, not the company. They might take you as a pessimistic person who searches for flaws in everything. And one day might end up searching for flaws in their company too. Do not compare the present firm with the firm you have worked with before. Just be positive and try to show how your past experiences added to your working potential. And that you are ready to increase your working potential even further. Count all the achievements and avoid saying anything negative about your past experiences.

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