Everyone has aspirations and dreams about their career, and they carry around those when joining a company or organization. But what happens when things go wrong or when they become dissatisfied with the jobs they took. Here is an article on 8 Reason Why Employee Quit Their Job.
- Bored With The Job
- The Amount Of Stress And Anxiety
- Bad Manager Or Co-Workers
- The Opportunity Of Growth Or Advancement In Career Is Minimal
- Underappreciated Or Underrecognized
- Problems In Work-Life Balance
- Want To Do Something Else In Life
- Disconnected Personal Values And Company Goals
- Career & Job Switch Guidance
They look for the reasons to continue or to quit and weigh them with their beliefs and knowledge. Here we are going to discuss the 8 reasons why employees quit their job for which you should consider quitting your jobs. Know More Details on Service For Working Professionals.
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Bored With The Job

One of the main reasons people want to quit their job is due to boredom. Mostly it arises due to the change in fields of study and professional environment. An arts or humanities major graduate necessarily will not be liking the working style of a corporate company; likewise a business or engineering graduate might not adjust to an NGO or government sector job. People should have jobs that will keep them engaged in their specialization and areas of interest. Often employees want tasks that will challenge them and those that could produce results rather than some boring desk works. Know More Details on Resume Creation
The Amount Of Stress And Anxiety
Certain jobs can demand a whole lot of time and work from the employees. Especially the ones that require achieve a target within the specific time frame. The workload and the insecurity that may come without the successful attainment of results will stress out the workers and decrease the confidence in them. There are several instances where professionals underperform due to the amount of responsibility and the stress that comes along with the tasks. Stress and anxiety disorders could affect both the personal and professional lives of an individual. Big companies can demand huge responsibilities from an employee as there comes the investment of the organization. Likewise, start-up companies can come with more time off work which will affect the personal life of the employees.
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Bad Manager Or Co-Workers
A good company or organization necessarily should have a good leader and co-operative working environment. Its often been observed that a number of good employees too, Reasons to quit a job just because of the manager. Co-existence between the head and their subjects are necessary for any organization to move ahead. Poor communication and poor management will definitely lead to the dissatisfaction of the employees. A manager should have the leadership skills to understand the employees, recognize and engage with them to better performance. Though managers can criticize them in case of poor performance or loss for the company, they should be able to motivate them for the profit and betterment of the institution.
The Opportunity Of Growth Or Advancement In Career Is Minimal
Everyone is ambitious while going to college, placements, and getting a job to their desire. It’s all because they do seek to achieve success, fame, money, and recognition in their career. Hence the opportunity for growth is inevitable for them. A company should be able to develop the potential of the employee so that there will be both profits for the organization and the employee. Any individual who has graduated will be excited to start their professional life and when these people are given behind the desk jobs or simple tasks; their potential goes wasted. Something that never gets used eventually gets rusted, so does underutilized or neglected potentials. Similarly, nobody would be eager to join a company that doesn’t have much performance or growth, where they see no development.
Underappreciated Or Underrecognized
Human beings always will have a need to be recognized by someone. In companies, the employees do feel this need. A person who is appreciated for his works will naturally feel encouraged to do the next task, it gives a boost in their confidence and makes them feel important in the company. They feel that they are valued and a part of this organization, through these ways of small engagement with the employees make the company trustworthy and important in the job market. Underappreciated and under-recognized employees will never feel the enthusiasm or passion to do their jobs and they would be just filling in their parts for the salary they receive. Appreciating and engaging with the employees will create a positive working environment and inspire them in their lives.
Problems In Work-Life Balance
A lot of people across different sectors of professional careers suffer from this problem. A proper balance in the professional and personal life is vital for the mental satisfaction and stability of an individual. Working for more hours in the office may lead to a lack of concentration and affect the personal life and relationships of an individual. Personal life is as much as important as the professional one.
Want To Do Something Else In Life
People join jobs with certain career objectives and dreams which often get changed over the years. Sometimes it can be the unsuitable work or dissatisfaction achieved through the job or they might get inspired by other areas of their newly found passion. It is easily seen that a lot of working employees quit their job or take leave to study further in universities. Some business people have also gone with social sector organizations, NGO’s and even started new companies. The believes and values created along with the professional life can get diverted to a new interest
Disconnected Personal Values And Company Goals
Passionate graduates join the industry with their ideal image of doing better in the world and contributing to society. But there are certain companies which aim at only profit-making. Though it always doesn’t happen to be negative in nature there are certain organizations where the sole aim is to develop the company in terms of profit and infrastructure. An employee who cares for the co-workers and for the betterment of common people may not feel connected to the mission and vision of the company. Hence they leave their jobs for personal reasons.
Career & Job Switch Guidance

Job switching, commonly referred to as job hopping, is a tendency of changing employers frequently in search of better employment or pay opportunities. A person’s aspirations, rather than events like a layoff or a company closing, are typically what lead to a job change A working professional may switch jobs in an effort to improve their career chances. Professionals must occasionally change jobs because their careers may reach a dead end in their current companies or because they may not be able to reach their full potential in another setting.
It is difficult to leave a job, and there may be stressful situations in your professional life. However, there is always a good time to change jobs. There are numerous previous causes for it, like the fact that your current job isn’t challenging you, your employer is about to fail, your life has significantly altered, your coworkers foster a hostile work environment, etc. Know More Details on career & job switch guidance.