9 Positive Effects Of Exercise On Your Career

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Exercise is an activity that enhances body performance and the alertness of our brain. There are mainly two kinds of activities, one is physically or that involves body activities and second is Mental activities which enhance brain alertness. Here is an article of 9 Positive Effects Of Exercise On Your Career

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Exercise with physical activities helps to improve our overall physical fitness (eg: Bone density, blood pressure, Immune system, the flexibility of our body, etc. ) leading to successful work life. Whereas it improves our psychology and makes us think more confident and emotionally stable. Know More Details on SERVICES FOR WORKING PROFESSIONALS.

Exercise Improves Physical Appearance

Effects of Exercise

Exercise improves the physical appearance of a person in society and in the public domain. Which is very essential nowadays for a group meeting, public speaking platforms. It also enhances the leadership qualities of a person and he can easily convince other people to follow him or agree on his or her decisions. Apart from this have you ever wonder how your boss can recall one year older meeting statements and decisions at the age of 57 and its hard for you to recall the same at the age of 30. This is simply because your boss doing some form of exercise daily and your not.

Develops New Blood Veins Inside Our Brain

It helps to develop new blood veins inside our brain and improve the flow of oxygenated blood inside it. Developing new neurons inside the hippocampus of the brain is also one of the effects of exercise. It also helps to develop cognitive growth in old ages. This helps the individual to improve solve a complex problem like puzzles, board games, chess, complex networks, etc. Exercise improves emotional stability, reduces anxiety and depression. This is another positive effect of exercise by which working professionals can reduce their work pressure and can easily manage their personal and professional life.

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Reduction In Greater Workload & Stress

It reduces the greater workload, studies stress in individuals and bad habits (eg: Smoking, alcoholism, drugs, etc.). These problems can be detected in medical and engineering students and people working in marketing, sales or target based companies. Whereas it has already proven that exercise decreases the need for caffeine and nicotine inside the body which helps the individual to fight with these bad habits and other positive effects of exercise on your career (source: Journal of health psychology 2006).

Psychological Development

Exercise also helps to develop greater psychology. It motivates the individual to push the limits one more step, it also increases determination to achieve a goal or a target. Regular exercise helps an individual to be more disciplined. It also helps the individual to convert these things as a habit in daily routine and individual can easily feel the changes which lead him or her to greater heights. One of the best books to go through about the impacts of positive habits is (THE POWER OF HABITS  by Charles Duhigg).

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Helps Coordinate Between Brain & Body

One of the best things about exercise that I like the most is it helps you to learn to be comfortable with uncomfortable things (eg: In group discussions and heated debates it helps you too much calmer and composed.). It improves heart functioning and helps to improve the coordination between Brain and Body as a single unit. Studies also show that small bursts of exercise can improve the alertness of the brain.

Deal With Chronic Fatigue

Exercise also helps to reduce chronic fatigue. According to the University of Georgia researchers if an individual does exercise daily for 1 hour it can reduce fatigue by 20% over a period of 6 weeks. Because of such positive effects of exercise, many reputed companies and industries like Google, IBM, Microsoft, Wipro, etc. who take care of their employees include exercises and games like swimming, tennis, cricket, basketball, cycling, volleyball and other games in their office space.

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Performance Enhancement

According to a study by the journal of occupational and environmental medicine moderate levels of activities and exercises improves performance in career and studies also. So if someone’s office or school is in the range of 5km of the radius then he should go by cycle or by walking.

Exercise Reduces Absenteeism

It also decreases the work absence. According to the conference board of Canada, obese people took more 25-days leaves than a normal weight person which leads to a loss of $17bn yearly. So to reduce that cost many companies include games and activities in their office premises.

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Some Helpful Exercises

The exercises that help to enhance the coordination between Brain and Body and boost your career are Running, Yoga, Meditation, Push-ups, strength exercises, squats, etc. After a long discussion about the science behind exercise, the physical impact and psychological improvements I am sure that this blog is going to motivate to do exercise or activities which improves your physical strength, mental stamina, and the coordination between brain and body. So next time before asked that question how exercise improves career just go for this blog.


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