9 Ways to change problems into a solution

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Hi People, we all have problems, be it a small school going kid or a hard-working father problem strikes us all without any mercy. Here is an article on 9 Ways To Change Problems Into A Solution.

But how to change your problems into solutions that you have been vigorously searching for? Yes! I am not joking! It is totally true. Wait and read this article patiently to 9 simple yet effective tricks to change your problems into a solution. Know More Details On Services For Working Professional.

1. Problem Finder

9 Ways to change problems into a solution

The first thing to do is to find what you are bothered about right now. This is the first step to bring the much-needed inner peace that helps for more clarified thoughts and ideas. Write it down on a piece of paper right away. Believe me, it matters the most.

Turn it into a question: You now try to turn your problem into a question. For example, If your problem is something related to being late, Try framing a question like why I end up being late .

Answer this question: Think of answers to this question and let the flow go think of ten possible ways… Think of more answers… Don’t judge in a hurry…Write whatever pops up into your mind

Now start prioritizing your ideas: This is the final step, Execute the idea and that tops your list. Now that is your ideal solution for the problem that you face right now.

2. Problem-A Self Healer

“Time Is The Ultimate Healer”.This cliché does hold true. So please stop overthinking about your problem. This brings a bid change. Once you start ignoring your problem and give them time, the solution automatically steps in. “If you can solve a problem, what’s the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?”

3. Problem-An Opportunity

Look at every problem as a potential chance to prove your own capabilities. Realize the truth that “You will never really know what you are capable of until you try doing it “.

4. The Language Matters

Even the way you describe your problem influences the severity of your problem. Try calling a problem a challenge/opportunity to change the way you look at it. Abiding by the recent studies of the “Psychological Research Academy” in Russia, it is proven that humans are mentally affected by the vibes that they carry within themselves. Know More Details on Workplace Communication Masterclass.

5. Sleep Well

Sleep is always the best medicine. When you are in a very bad patch, Believe in your sleep power, it really helps you immensely. A Good Night Sleep can bring you more clarity and new possibilities the next day you will end up feeling more useful solutions than the day before.

6. The 4P Strategy

The 4Ps of Problem solving are Pinning, Preparing, Performing, And Perfecting. Firstly, pinpoint your problem’s source. Now try ways to eliminate those reasons in the best possible ways available. These are the solutions that you are in need of right now.

7. The Six-Step Solution

Situation: Imagine about an effective way that would make your complex problem a simple one

Take the Observer Mindset: Look at your own problem as your best friend’s problem and think of a possible solution. Trust it or not You will see the desired results

Grading: Grade your solution on a scale of ten. This actually helps you realize the severity of the problem. More often than not, it ends up being a lot less a problem than you have anticipated.

Exception: In a business point of view, be it that you are facing a business-oriented problem. Start seeking a solution to the problem in real-time problem statements. This breaks the psychological barrier of “The Dead End Stigma”. From this stage onwards you will start shifting more towards a more optimistic approach that it is happening somewhere in this world, Then it is obviously possible here too.

Decision and Direction: Now is the Time for real action. Stop thinking and start working towards an ideal skill solution. Remember even a small step can show some real progress towards the desired end result.

8. Think Inside The Box

“Think Out Of The Box” is the cliché instead try thinking within the box. Here the box is nothing but your constraints like your time money and habits etc. Depending on the nature of the problem that you are currently facing. Now considering all this would make you able to give more practical solutions than you have before. This is called the “Power Of Creative Constraint “. Try doing this. Know More Details on Starting Up Guidance.

9. Forget The Cause

Focussing on the cause would make you only an expert in finding what went wrong, but in order to make things right, you have to think positively. Try asking yourself what will you gain if you solve this problem. You may start seeing all the positives, on the other side of the coin and start working towards it with a strong faith that it is possible. This way of thinking is called” The Solution Focus”. So, try to understand that like all problems that arise from you can eventually be solved only by yourself. Try changing the way you see problems; you will surely start seeing a better picture of life. Instead of seeing problems as diversions see them as a chance to explore a new way, Away you have missed going to earlier. Life will turn positive on its own. All the problems change into the solution.


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9 Ways to change problems into a solution – CareerGuide
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StartingUp Guidance by Professionals – CareerGuide
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