An Increasing Demand For Drivers In The Era Of New Normality

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The shortage of freight drivers, industrial shutdowns, and curbs on movement have all contributed to driver shortage in India, as reported by The Loadstar. Add to this limited working hours and the rise in absenteeism, and the picture is pretty clear. Here is an article on An Increasing Demand For Drivers In The Era Of New Normality .

 Now is a good time for those seeking a job in this industry. If you are thinking of becoming a driver – either of trucks or delivery vans – what waves are sweeping the industry, and what considerations should you keep in mind in terms of working hours and safety? .Know More About career counselling services for working professionals

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Only two-thirds of employees were working for the same employer in September 2020 as they were in February of the same year, reports the Real-Time Population Survey. Incomes are dropping, and necessity is leading many workers to enter new fields. For instance, restaurant owners who may have been used to attending to clients in-house are now adapting to changing demands with a takeaway and home delivery services.  The quickly shifting workforce is requiring increased flexibility; industries like hotel accommodation and food services have lost 12% of employees to different lines of work in the past few months. Know More About CERTIFICATION COURSE FOR JOB HUNT TOOL KIT .

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Staying Safe

There are two key aspects to workers entering the driving industry: safety and training. The first is the responsibility of their employers. Measures taken to reduce road accident and injury rates include limited driving times, collision avoidance systems, preventive maintenance, and strict drug and alcohol policies. Smaller establishments and restaurants contracting delivery drivers, meanwhile, must ensure that they select safe SUVs or vans. These must be well maintained and should ideally have key safety features such as good ABS, cruise control, blind-spot indicators, and the like. Ideal features for larger vehicles used for delivery include voice assistance technology, fuel economy, ease of getting food in and out, comfort, and ease of parking and maneuvering the vehicle in and out of traffic and tight parking spaces.

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What Are The Benefits Of Driving A Vehicle?

The respective highlights and challenges of being a driver depend, to a great extent, on the company that employs you and the type of driving you to do. Truck driving is known for specific benefits, which include optimal job security, steady pay, and the active nature of a job in which loading and unloading freight is involved. For servers transitioning into home delivery, some of the best features of the job include movement, coming across various clients in one day, and preserving one’s job for when tough times are over and employers require in-venue servers once again. For some, the freedom of movement may be more appealing than a restaurant job, meaning that permanent job changes are also predicted for the future. Driving is a hotly demanded profession in current-day India. Know More About CERTIFICATION COURSE-WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION .

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