Fighting Distraction and Increase Concentration

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There is a scientific reason for your distractions. A study carried out by scientist Princeton concluded that our brain refocuses our attention four times every single second. we get easily distracted by external distractions which are not good as we need focus to complete our work in time with quality. Here is an article on Fighting Distraction And Increase Concentration

Not only do students have short attention spans but nowadays everyone gets distracted easily. But by understanding the reason for distractions anyone can increase concentration and focus. Know More Details on Services For Working Professionals.

How Distraction And Concentration Are Related

The reason why you are distracted can tell why you are not concentrating on your work. Remember that we constantly make decisions. What should I pay attention to? And you are in a state of distraction without even knowing. Thus, where your attention is and what is your priority tells your brain to focus or not. Know More Details On Resume Creation.

Why Are We So Distracted These Days

Technology alone cannot be the cause of the problem.  The reasons can vary from person to person like lack of concentration, no morning and evening routine, new work, new atmosphere, due to depression, too much responsibility or carelessness, lack of interest, others success, failure to aim high, no planning for work, not taking help of others, feeling stressed due to work, too much use of social media, etc.

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Brain And Attention

Neuroscience research says forces that cause stress lesser the brain’s concentration power. Similarly, when our brain chooses the right patterns it automatically results in good attention. Our brain plays the main role in attention. Paying too much attention also causes a lack of attention. Know More Details On Career Clarity Service.

Cope Your Distractions

Sometimes the reasons behind distraction are due to our attitude and lack of awareness. Here are some tactics that can help in copying your distractions:

  • Reimagining the task and  trigger that is distracting:
  • Avoid self-limiting beliefs regarding yourself: 
  •  Have a positive perception of uncomfortable emotions and situations.
  • Manage war in your brain because of two choices.

Top Five Ways To Stop Getting Distracted

Some common reasons for distraction shown in people are because of the same type of reasons. Also, the answer to avoiding distraction is not a total digital detox but instead identifying healthy ways of your triggers can help better. All the reasons are connected. Know the reasons and readout solutions for them:

1. Plan your day: When you know your schedule and work, the chances of distractions become lesser. Write how much time you will be spending on a single task and it will save your time too.

2. Set priority: Make a list and prioritize your work. If you can complete work on a call try not to visit, if you can complete your work try not to make long calls.

3. Surf the urge: Just because of a little excitement because of others, or invitations and gossip, or feeling of keeping updates, these feelings cause less benefit and more harm to our work.

4. Use social media and email set times: Social media should be used wisely. Use smart apps to notify you when you are using too much social media. Try not to take too much interest in another person’s life.

5. Un-excitement for work: Find out if you are bored of your work and not excited because excitement causes a lack of concentration. To concentrate you need to tell your brain that you are working on important work and you will feel more focused.

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What Makes Some Brains More Concentrated

We have many people around who have excellent concentration. Some common traits involve include: knowing what they want to do which makes them active and motivated for their work. They are positive and have good intentions and purpose to work.

How To Increase Concentration

Many researchers concluded that the way we think affects our work. Increasing concentration helps in many ways.  Some ways can help you in increasing your concentration.

  • The brain evolves with time and keeps learning new things. 
  • Doing meditation, exercise, yoga will help in increasing concentration.
  • Drop useless thoughts and go to sleep. Good sleep increases attention, sleep well and do well.
  • If you are experiencing too much stress in your class or your job, find the reason behind it and solve it or take help.
  • Try music when you work. It can help in concentrating.
  • Be aware of your attention. We pay attention to what is relevant. Question yourself what is important and what is not and focus on that task.

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Extra Tips

Less the number of choices you need to make. Consider fewer options when you make a choice. Avoid confusion with knowledge. Reward yourself for doing the right work or not using the smartphone every time you get messages. Attention gets carried away easily, be active and re-focus. Everything works slowly so keep trying.


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