Reasons to choose Sports Psychology as a career

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Who doesn’t love sports? There has to be some sports every human being in this world loves. We have to admit that we live in a very sports-loving society. If you are a sports lover and have a keen interest in psychology, sports psychology is the career for you. Not many people in India are aware of this course. This is a very vast and lucrative market, and there is a lot of demand for a career in sports and exercise psychology. Sports psychology includes the interrelation between athletic performance and human psychology, applying the relevant knowledge and skills to enhance and maximize the benefits and performance of the physical activity. It is not only limited to dedicated athletes but also includes working with various entertainers who undergo mental issues and people who wish to improve their physical fitness and recover from a sports injury. The focus of this course is basically on educating and helping the athletes and performers to reach their desired goals and help them cope up with any anxiety and stress that can impede and hamper their performance. Sports psychology is a new field of psychology. Here are some reasons as to why you should choose a career in sports psychology:

Educational Qualification:

To become a sports psychologist, you need to have completed graduation in psychology or any sports-related field like exercise science or kinesiology or clinical psychology. The next step is the master’s degree, specifically in sports psychology followed by a Ph.D. or PsyD in sports psychology. Some of the colleges even offer a combined master’s and doctoral degrees. After this, you need to get a license as a practicing clinical psychologist.

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The salary of a psychologist mainly depends upon the educational qualification and their experience and area of specialization. The professional psychologist with a Ph.D. degree earns a handsome amount of salary. The starting salary for a fresher could be ranging from 1.80 lakhs per annum to 6.25 lakhs per annum. If you specialize in more fields, you can earn more. You can gain a lot of recognition in this field if your work is excellent.

Pros of becoming a Sports Psychologist:

The sports psychologists work and are considered as a part of the team. It is a challenging job that includes fun and excitement. This course offers a diversified career path and specialization opportunities. The employment rate of psychologists is increasing at a faster pace. This is a gratifying job as you can create a difference in athletes’ lives, not only just in the quality of performances as well as their overall well-being and life satisfaction.

Diversified Career Path:

Sports psychology offers a very diversified career path. There are plenty of options and environments to choose from. Some of the options from which a psychologist can choose are health psychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, teaching and research, sports psychology, organizational or industrial psychology, agency or commuting counseling, school counseling, educational psychology, social work, school psychology, clinical sports psychologist, athletic trainer, physical therapist, recreational therapist, etc.

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High in Demand:

Since this is a very new concept in India, and not everyone is aware of this course, this has a very high demand in the market. Almost every athlete needs a sports psychologist to help him deal with anxiety and stress before any match or activity. The athletes in today’s scenario, demand a highly educated professional to help them train to perform at their physical and mental best. The rate of job growth in this field is increasing at a fast rate ranging from 11-56%.

Reputed Colleges:

There are so many national and international colleges out there that provide the best education in this field. Some of the reputed colleges that offer this course are the University of Delhi, Gargi college, Indian Institute of psychology and research Bangalore, Amity University of behavioral health and allied sciences, Jamia Millia university, university of Calcutta, etc. these colleges offer your desired courses in psychology. You can pursue B.A or B.S in psychology, M.A or M. Sc. in psychology, counseling or social work, M.A in applied psychology or Ph.D. or M.Phil. In psychology.

Skills required:

To become a sports psychologist, you need to have some relevant skills to improve your work. Some of the skills you must possess are excellent communication, active listening, good judgment, teaching ability, understanding of the sports culture, a good grasp of physical versus mental. A good sports psychologist must have a good command of languages and its nuances and effectively communicate with their clients. He must also be skilled in gathering and interpreting information about the athlete’s situation. They must be able to explain theories adequately and implement them on a practical level. A very analytical mind, genuine passion, and a lot of patience is required for helping people overcome their own mental or behavioral challenges.

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