Right Corporate Fit For A Young Professional

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The question on many students’ minds as they get towards the end of their education is, “what do I do next?”  This is supposed to be the commencement of your journey as a young professional and entry into the corporate world. While your first job will teach you about what you wish for and do not like in your working environment, it is still important to seek out an organization that values your work and nurtures your success.

Enlisted below is a guide to assist you in navigating through the method of finding the proper work fit and company culture.Know More About career counselling services for working professionals 

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Start Early

Take advantage of any available programs, internships and networks which may provide you with a way to seek what you are looking for in your first post-grad job. Hands-on experience, early in your search process is going to be incredibly beneficial and supply you with valuable knowledge that you can use when deciding your field in the chosen career. These days every career path has been bifurcated into numerous smaller specializations.

For instance, a friend of mine knew from the beginning that she wanted to be a legal journalist because she used to be inquisitive and loved reading about the laws, she did not want to be a lawyer but loved to read books. She completed law school and then took up mass communication as her post-grad subject. Utilizing the resources and programs available to her provided her with the inspiration and made the path clearer. It was her ikigai, you could find yours with a simple psychometric test.

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Have an inventory ready

Before you start your job search, write down the qualities and values you are trying to find during a work culture. Are there any dealbreakers or must-haves? Keeping a physical list ahead of you during your search for interview will facilitate you to identify the opportunity, ask the correct questions and increase the likelihood of finding the fit.

I know, for instance, that I want to be working for an organization that was dedicated to promoting employee self-growth. With this in mind, I weeded out some opportunities, and have been interning in the firms and organizations that foster these values. Know More About RESUME CREATION & REVIEW .

Embrace the virtual process

If you began this journey during the pandemic, or if you are searching for an overseas position, do not let the virtual process hold you back. Be sure to get started with an outreach message through email.

For instance, I took advantage of this present situation and sent cold messages to individuals who either worked in an exceedingly technical position at an organization of interest or who were a part of the company’s hiring team. I introduced myself, expressed my interest in their organization or career path, and asked for some minutes of their time for an informational interview.

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The nature of this sport is that you might not hear back from the bulk of individuals, yet all it takes is one. This strategy could be a good way to expand your contacts and land employment by networking with the correct people.

Don’t sell yourself short

Imagine the number of opportunities you may miss out on if you disqualify yourself first. You will not always fit a job’s requirements cent per cent but continuing to place yourself out there shows interest, confidence and commitment.

Employment postings for my current employer came through my notifications, and while I used to be categorically unqualified for that role, I did not let that stop me from looking into the internship opportunity and talking with the HR or recruiting manager. Know More About CAREER & JOB SWITCH GUIDANCE .

Only because I chose to reach out and took up the opportunity for an informational interview, I received my internship offer for one among them. This is all because I chose to pursue my interests and work on them rather than watch them pass me by. If you approach the job search as a learning process and persist with a number of these guidelines, you may find yourself the job that is the perfect fit for you.

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