Tips on Appearance to crack the first interview

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Dear students or would be freshers, first interviews are always important. No one wants to get rejected on their first interview. But what we lack during our first interview session is self-confidence due to lack of experience. Here is an article on Tips on Appearance to crack the first interview

So today I’m going to share a few tips and tricks which may help you in cracking your first interview. Remember one thing: it’s not always about your results and your experience, it’s also about your proper appearance. I’m not saying that results don’t matter, of course, it does but it’s not the only factor. Know More About career counselling services for working professionals

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Your Dress Should Be Properly Fit.

Well, this means that it shouldn’t be too tight or too loose for your body measurements because ill fit clothes are not going to create a good impression on the interviewers.It is essential to ensure that your dress fits you properly. Ill-fitting clothes can be uncomfortable, unflattering, and even damaging to your posture. Properly fitting clothes will enhance your appearance, boost your confidence, and allow you to move freely and comfortably throughout the day.

Try To Wear A Light-Colored Dress

Wearing dark colors may extra highlight your flaws in appearance or may look very tacky or improper. Though, if you pair up with a combination of light and dark then that’s not an issue. But please try to avoid fancy or trendy dresses like striped shirts or pants, floral prints or shirts without a collar. Try wearing solid colors.

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Proper Appearance

Well, by this, I mean to say that your suit should be pressed, shirts tucked in and buttoned properly, If you chose to wear a tie, make sure to button up your first button and tie up your tie properly. Suppose if you don’t press your shirt or may leave your first button open in spite of wearing a tie then the interviewer may think that you have a very casual personality and would also take your work in the same way.

Your Shoes Must Be Well-Fitting And Covered Up

Just like your suit, your shoes must be of proper fitting too. And try to wear covered shoes. The reason why I’m saying this is because a lot of people have hygienic problems on their feet. It may be any bacterial infection, or smelling issue, unshaped and dirty nails, cracked feet, or maybe simply dirt and dust on feet. So when you enter the room, the interviewer may notice these things, so if you wear close shoes then it can initially save you from getting rejected. Polishing shoes are mandatory to give a final touch to your entire appearance. Know More About  CERTIFICATION COURSE FOR JOB HUNT TOOL KIT

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Say No To Heels

For girls, please try to avoid heels because the sound produced from heels may be taken in an unprofessional manner from the interviewer’s perspective. Suppose if they like your interview and ask or you to take a tour of their office. As you wear high formal heels, you find it difficult to walk. They may notice this foolishness of yours and instantly reject you. Though, if you manage to walk smartly in your heels without making any unprofessional sound then that may act as a plus point too.

Walk-In With Confidence

One more thing that I would like to say is that your walk determines a lot about your confidence level and appearance too. So don’t force yourself on walking in perfectly, that may create pressure on your mind. Instead, just walk in casually and be confident about your appearance. Know More About Masterclass Workplace Communication .

Limit Management

Well, this may rude but please don’t wear something over revealing. You may get highly judged for that when you are going to sit for a professional interview. Always remember that no matter how bold or frank you are, everyone has to maintain a few rules in the professional field.

Avoid Heavy Accessories

Well yes, accessories play a role in maintaining a proper appearance. Avoid wearing shiny accessories or extra bright watches. Avoid carrying huge bags, instead, just carry a purse. Don’t wear heavy jewelry, instead focus on a simple and attractive look.

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Cover Up Your Tattoos

Try to hide your tattoos during the interview. Though this may not matter so much to you your interviewer may judge on the basis of your tattoo. So why take risks? Well, this is all about today’s article. But one thing I must say is that if you take care of these points mentioned in this article, it would be helpful for you to gain confidence in yourself along with maintaining your proper appearance. Know more About MASTERCLASS FOR WORKING PROFESSIONALS .



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