Each individual looks for a variety of options while searching for any job. That is why it is essential to choose the right field of study for graduation. Many graduates like to appear for all sorts of competitive exams to go for their dream of a government job. So, here is a quick list of 10 fabulous government jobs for graduates. You can find some Government jobs in India. Here is an Article on Top 10 Government Job For Graduate .
There are various government job opportunities available for graduates in India, ranging from administrative services, banking, defense, public sector undertakings, and others. In this context, civil services, including Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Revenue Service (IRS), are among the top government jobs that graduates aspire for. Other prominent government jobs for graduates include positions in the banking sector, such as Probationary Officer in Public Sector Banks, Specialist Officer, and Clerk positions. Defense jobs, such as Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force, are also highly sought-after, offering numerous perks and benefits. Know More About career counselling services for working professionals .
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Civil Services
Civil Service examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The candidates chosen for these posts are responsible for helping the government in making decisions. The candidates selected for this field have to carry out various responsibilities. That is why they are associated with immense power. In case someone is looking for the most prestigious government jobs, civil services top the list for graduates. In this job, a candidate can be expected to head secretaries and administrators at the district level throughout India. These candidates are expected o maintain law and order, collect taxes, all works related to development within the state as well as central, implementing activities related to social welfare, etc. The costs associated with these services are Indian Administrative Services (IAS), Indian Foreign Services (IFS), and Indian Police services (IPS).
Reserve Bank Of India Grade B
Reserve Bank of India hires its employees for sharing the responsibility of issuing currency and its circulation too. These officials manage all the government accounts. These employees are responsible for the stability of national finance also. Anyone with this job is an officer at the entry-level and comes under the management cadre. In case one joins at an early age, he can be a deputy governor on promotions. In case someone is looking for the most prestigious government jobs, this job is good for graduates.
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State Bank Of India Probationary Officer
For those who look to make a career in banking, their first choice is the State Bank of India Probationary Officer (SBI PO) exam. It is the apex of all banking examinations held in the country. This job involves cross-selling various products, tasks related to administration, general banking works, and marketing jobs too. After clearing the exam, the selected candidate is called for an interview. The candidates are on probation for at least 2 years. After these pieces of training, candidates are vested with more responsible roles, and they are given awards for the same too.
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State Bank Of India Clerk
The people you find at the withdrawal and deposit counters in a bank are those doing a clerical job. For carrying out the work efficiently, basic training for six months is given. However, internal examinations are held from time to time to provide a chance to clerks to become officers. The age criteria for this post is 20 to 28 years. But, reserved categories can get some relaxation in the upper age limit.
Staff Selection Commission
Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam of Staff Selection Commission (SSC) recruits candidates for senior positions under the Government of India. The minimum age for the above position is 18 years. And the maximum period is 32 years. First, a candidate has to appear for a preliminary examination. In case he/she gets selected for the same, he can perform for the mains examination. After this, an interview takes place, and the final candidates get the job. Know More About CAREER & JOB SWITCH GUIDANCE .
Indian Railways
Every year Indian railways recruit candidates in significant numbers. The non-technical posts are commercial apprentice, and assistant station master, etc. As everyone knows that Indian railways can be considered to be one of the largest departments of the Central government. In addition to allowance, facilities like free traveling, various prospects are available for growth here.
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Life Insurance Corporation
An AAO in Life Insurance Corporation is meant to carry out all the administrative work. One should be able to carry out all the interactions through any conversation with the customers. One must be able to face and answer all the queries of customers. For selection, one must go through a written examination, and after that, an interview is held. The minimum age criteria for this is 21 years, and the maximum age is 30 years.
Both Central and state governments conduct Teacher’s eligibility test. So those who aim to be teachers can appear for this exam. After clearing this exam, you will be offered a very handsome salary and a plethora of benefits in the form of allowances. Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Central, and Assam conduct their tests. Know More About HIGHER/EXECUTIVE EDUCATION GUIDANCE
Specialist Officer
Besides, conducting examinations for POs IBPS also performs inspections for Specialist Officers. Various posts are offered under this category. An agricultural officer has the responsibility of promoting loans, especially in rural areas. HR officer is accountable for carrying out the functions of the human resource department. The Marketing officer markets the brand of the bank. The Rajsabha Adhikari does the translation part. The Law officer takes responsibility for all the legal matters of the bank. So, one can choose to be any of these under the specialist officer’s category.
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IT Officer
Anyone who has done with his graduation in Information Technology can go for a four-year degree in the engineering field. Then he/she can apply for this post. The four-year degree course must be in any of these – Computer applications, Computer science, Electronics, and communications, Information Technology, and electronics, and instrumentation.

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