Ways through which Job Seekers can Get Jobs on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn is the force to reckon with in the business world because of the tremendous job opportunities. If you are thinking that LinkedIn is just like other social media applications then you are making a blunder because on this platform working professionals connect to make life-changing decisions about their career. Several businesses prosper here. This is not like a social media platform where you just post the content. You will read about “Ways Through Which Job Seekers Can Get Jobs On LinkedIn” in this blog.

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LinkedIn inculcates the treasures of a diverse job position that can be attained if you are capable enough. Now, LinkedIn has already covered its one-decade journey and approximately 200 million professionals are active on it. This data simply highlights the significance of this application in the lives of working professionals.

Ever-increasing figures of recruiters and talent acquisitions are now relying on this platform to hire or recruit proficient candidates who can utilize their expertise for the betterment of the firm. On social media like Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat we try to look at the profile of our friends and colleagues, similarly, in the case of LinkedIn recruiters assess the candidate’s profile without hiring the candidate directly. It is worth examining the profile of the candidate. But if your profile is professionally represented and looks good then you get the edge over others.

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Look At Some Method

  • Get Customized URL for your profile- URL stands for your Uniform Resource Locator which is an address of your LinkedIn profile on the web. So, if you modify or customize your URL on LinkedIn then definitely there are higher chances that your profile will emerge on top of Google if your name gets searched. To modify your URL, you can simply click on the edit button which is represented in grey colour. Then in the second step, click on the drop-down menu and then click on profile settings. After implementing these steps, a grey bar will appear that says “Your public profile settings.” Beneath there will be an option that says “Customize your profile URL” click on that, just plug your first name and surname and we are ready to go. If your name is already taken by somebody else then try to incorporate the middle name also to make the URL unique.
  • Write a cohesive and Brief Summary about your Professional life- Try to aim for a maximum of 150- 300 words only because it will become ambiguous if you cross this word limit. Try to tell your professional journey in the form of a story. Include your accomplishments in your specialized field. Use appropriate keywords and phrases which can drive your profile upwards on LinkedIn. As an individual write a description of the profession which excites you or fascinates you the most. In simple terms try to list down the career prospects which intrigues you. Focus more on your career storyline. 

Some Beneficial Tips

Write Your Experience Precisely- Here an individual gets a golden opportunity to write down his or her virtual resume. The majority of the working professionals just add their current job position. So, take your time, have a look at your expertise and then mention your experience in a well-articulated manner. You don’t have to tell your entire professional life story. Instead of writing a story, you can write your roles and responsibilities which you performed while working in the firm for a specific duration. You can also check career & job switch guidance.

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Mentioning Attributes- Skills and Expertise option allows individuals to showcase the abilities which they have and can execute also while working. This feature was added in 2011. Take at least 10 minutes and think about your skill sets. This section directly tells your potential to the recruiter. Endorse your skills also to highlight your strengths.

Get Recommendation from Professionals- It might seem a repetitive process but it is the most helpful method to boost your profile. If you get a recommendation on your LinkedIn then it will also appear on your profile page. This adds on value and builds transparency or trust. In the LinkedIn spectrum, it is possible to get the draft of recommendation from the professionals who are somehow associated with you. The recommendations must include meaty specifics and the accomplishments that you achieved while working professionals. For getting better opportunities and to enhance your profile try to get at least 5 recommendations from the people.

Add portfolio or Website- As a content writer, it becomes essential to attach your portfolio to grab the recruiter’s attention. So, it is better to add a website or portfolio because it showcases your work samples, tasks you performed, your expertise, and knowledge. You can add your college assignment and extraordinary projects also in your portfolio. Assemble it properly. To create a portfolio, you can purchase a domain name and you can create your portfolio within 10 minutes on WordPress. It will add lots of value and your LinkedIn profile will appear on top and help you get a job on LinkedIn.

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LinkedIn, Resume Creation & Review Service

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In today’s job market, creating a resume that stands out from the rest can be a challenge. This is where the importance of a resume creation & review service comes in. This service helps individuals craft a professional and compelling resume that showcases their skills and experience in the best possible light. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a resume creation & review service. First Impressions Matter: A well-crafted resume is often the first impression that a potential employer has of a job candidate. A resume creation & review service ensures that your resume looks professional, is easy to read, and highlights your skills and experience in a way that is relevant to the position you are applying for. This first impression is crucial, as it can determine whether or not a candidate is invited for an interview. Customized Resumes: One of the key benefits of a resume creation & review service is that it creates customized resumes for job candidates. Each resume is tailored to the specific job opening, taking into account the requirements of the job and the skills and experience of the candidate. This customization ensures that the candidate’s resume is targeted and relevant to the position, increasing the chances of getting an interview call. Know More Details on working professionals.

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