XAT Answer Key 2023, Download Response Sheet Online …

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The XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) exam answer key is a document that provides the correct answers to the questions asked in the exam. It is released a few days after the exam and can be accessed from the official website. The answer key allows candidates to verify their responses and estimate their scores before the official results are announced. It is released separately for each question paper set. Candidates can compare their marked answers with the correct ones to calculate their estimated scores. A challenge window is opened for candidates to contest any discrepancies in the answer key, and after considering the objections, the final answer key is released. Candidates should refer to the final answer key to determine their accurate scores. It is important to check the official website for the specific details and procedures related to the answer key for each year’s XAT exam.

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Xat answer key


Counselling for XAT  will be Released Soon; Check Counselling Process & More.
The official XAT Exam Cut Off has been made public; Check Cutoff & More.
 The XAT released by XLRI Jamshedpur  Results were Released Soon; Check the full results.
 XAT Exam Final Answer Key  was Released Soon; Check paper analysis & answer key here.

The XAT exams have they been completed? – Yes, the dates for the exams are
 Released Soon;

Is  XAT  combined with 
XLRI Jamshedpur  – Yes, According to the minister of education.

How many XAT Exam attempts are permitted? – No Limit.

Will XAT be challenging? – Your degree of
study and preparation will affect how difficult the exam
is. To Download Notes Click Here


What are the steps to download XAT 2023 Answer Key?

XLRI Jamshedpur has started the objection window for the XAT 2023 Answer Key, which was published on January 17, 2023. XAT Answer Key and Response Sheet 2023. By entering onto the candidate portal at xatonline.in, candidates can view the XAT Answer key and submit complaints to the answer key. The deadline for objections is January 19 at 5 PM. Candidates can use the XAT 2023 College Predictor to predict their colleges for admission based on the answer key.

Answer Key for XAT 2023: On January 31, 2023, the results for XAT 2023 will also be made public. The results will be available to candidates on the official website. On January 10, 2023, the XAT 2023 Response sheet was made available. Candidates had the opportunity to voice concerns about

XAT Answer Key 2023 Important Dates

XAT 2023 ExamJanuary 08, 2023
Release of XAT 2023 Response SheetJanuary 10, 2023
XAT 2023 Answer KeyJanuary 17, 2023
Declaration of XAT 2023 ResultJanuary 31, 2023

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XAT Response Sheet

The XAT Response sheet is the document that contains the answers that the candidate entered during the exam. Starting on January 10, 2023, the XAT Response Sheet is accessible through the candidate login on the official website. To review the responses they marked on the response sheet while completing the XAT 2023 exam, candidates can download it from the official website.

  1. Visit the official website for XAT 2023, which is xatonline.in.
  2. In the top right corner of the website, you will find either a “login” or “candidate response” tab. Click on it.
  3. You will be prompted to enter your date of birth, password, and XAT login ID. Fill in the required information accurately.
  4. Once you have entered the necessary details, click on the link for the candidate answer tab.
  5. Your XAT 2023 response sheet will be displayed on the screen.
  6. You can choose to take a printout of the response sheet or download it for future reference.


XAT 2023 Answer Key

The XAT answer key is a document that lists all of the proper answers to the test’s questions. The correct answers to each question are listed in the answer key. This aids applicants in developing an estimation of the number of exam points they will earn.

  1. Visit the official website of XLRI Jamshedpur or the official XAT website.
  2. Look for the section or tab related to XAT 2023 or the answer key.
  3. Click on the link provided for the XAT Answer Key 2023.
  4. You may be required to log in using your credentials, such as your XAT login ID and password. Enter the required information accurately.
  5. Once you have logged in, you should be able to access the XAT Answer Key 2023.
  6. Download the answer key to your device by clicking on the download option or saving it as a PDF file.

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XAT Answer Key 2023: How to Challenge?

  1. Visit the official website of XLRI Jamshedpur or the official XAT website.
  2. Look for the section or tab related to the XAT Answer Key 2023 or the objection/challenge process.
  3. Read the instructions and guidelines provided for challenging the answer key carefully.
  4. You may need to log in using your credentials, such as your XAT login ID and password, to access the challenge window.
  5. Identify the specific questions or answers that you believe are incorrect or have discrepancies.
  6. Provide a valid justification or supporting evidence for your challenge. This can include reference materials, relevant concepts, or any other pertinent information.
  7. Submit your objections or challenges within the specified time period. Make sure to adhere to the deadline mentioned on the website.
  8. Pay the required fee, if applicable, for each challenged question or answer. The fee amount and payment method will be mentioned on the website.
  9. After submitting your objections, the conducting authority will review them along with the supporting evidence provided.
  10. Based on the review, if your challenges are found valid, the necessary corrections or adjustments will be made to the answer key.

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XAT 2023 Expected Cut off

Expected Cut-off (Percentile)
XLRI – BM95-98
XLRI – HRM92-95
SP Jain85-90
Other Participating Institutes75 or above

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How to Download Result ?

  1. Visit the official website of XLRI Jamshedpur or the official XAT website.
  2. Look for the section or tab related to the XAT result.
  3. Click on the link provided to access the result page.
  4. You may be required to log in using your credentials, such as your XAT login ID and password. Enter the required information accurately.
  5. Once you have logged in, you should be able to view your XAT result.
  6. Check your result carefully, which typically includes your overall percentile score, sectional scores, and other relevant details.
  7. Download your XAT result by clicking on the download button or saving it as a PDF file.
  8. Take a printout of the result for future reference and documentation purposes.

XAT Eligibility Requirements

  • Education Qualification: Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in any discipline from a recognized university or deemed university. The degree should be recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.
  • Final Year Candidates: Candidates who are in the final year of their Bachelor’s degree program or are awaiting their final year results are also eligible to apply. However, they must complete their Bachelor’s degree examination within the stipulated time and provide the required documents at the time of admission.
  • Minimum Percentage: There is no minimum aggregate percentage required for XAT. Candidates from all disciplines are eligible to apply.
  • No Age Limit: There is no age limit specified to appear for the XAT exam.


XAT Accepting Institutes In India

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XAT Exam Frequently Asked Question

XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) is a national-level entrance exam conducted for admission to management programs in various institutes in India.

CAT (Common Admission Test) and XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) are both challenging exams, but the level of difficulty can vary for individual test-takers.
No, XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) is not accepted for admission to the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). The IIMs conduct their own entrance exam called CAT (Common Admission Test) for admission to their management programs.

To determine the specific XAT score corresponding to the 93rd percentile, it’s essential to have access to the score distribution data for the particular year in question. The percentile score depends on the performance of all test-takers in that specific year.

No, the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) do not accept XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) scores for admission to their management programs. The IITs conduct their own entrance exam called the Common Admission Test (CAT) for admission to their management programs, such as the Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM). XAT scores are primarily accepted by Xavier-affiliated institutes and several other management institutes across India.

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