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Aarti Natarajan Sharma Edit
Global Education Specialist Edit
New Delhi, India
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I have over 14 years experience in the Education sector. My skills include writing, counseling and communication. Specialties: Writing, Interpersonal communication, Counseling. Aarti Natarajan Sharma , Global Education Specialist, is a career counsellor based at New Delhi, India area. View all career counsellors from New Delhi
Firstly you need to decide which subject area/course you are interested in studying further. Thereafter we can discuss the options of countries which are best known for that subject. Applications usually depend on factors like deadlines, entry requirements, fees structure and distance from home country.
The top three universities of Singapore offer MBA-NUS, SMU and NTU. You require a GMAT score of minimum 650+ as well as 3 years work experience. In addition there are several other universities which offer MBA with lesser or even no work experience. Singapore is the hub of industry at present and there are several opportunities for work. Students need to apply for a work visa which is typically sponsored by the employer.
There is no point going to a low level university just for the sake of it. Instead you should explore options of doing a foundation year which is specifically for students who don't meet the entry requirements of 1st year entry. This would mean that you will do an extra year and if you score a passing grade then you shall move onto 1st year and complete your under-graduation.
The most important thing to keep in mind with regards overseas admissions is the timeline. In almost all countries, admissions begin a year earlier to the month of enrollment. Which means that you will be starting your admission process way before your final results are in hand. Depending on which country you opt for you shall require your grades from Class 9-11. In addition your school will need to provide predicted grades which will be usually based on your mid term exams. Essays and/or Personal Statements are a very crucial part of your overseas applications. Some countries like
While it is not essential to take up Maths as part of commerce, you should be aware of what your options after Commerce without Maths shall be. If you are looking to study overseas, many universities ask for Maths as a requirement for courses like Accounting, Economics and in some cases even Business & Management. If you are looking to study in India, be aware of whether your 5th subject is going to be counted in the best of 4 required for admissions in India. In many colleges subjects like Physical Education and Home Science might not be counted in the best of 4. However my ad
These days there are multiple options available to students after school. Graduation in India or Overseas? Which colleges are best for the student's chosen subjects? What are the entry requirements? Questions like these and may more are on every student's mind, especially fro Grade 11 onwards. In such a scenario it is essential to have dedicated career counselling in schools which shall help students in knowing their options and thus make up their minds. The ideal time to start career counselling is in Grade 10, especially with regards subject choices and the careers available for students aft