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CareerGuide conducts group career counselling in schools for 12th standard students to educate them about various career paths and be ahead of others in this highly competitive world.
CareerGuide organizes psychometric test and counselling service containing 3 day activities of one to one counselling session for 12th standard students.
CareerGuide accommodates 12th standard students in providing all the details regarding college application and selection process. We render all the important application, entrance and selection dates to students.
Our Counselling experts will tell you which are the best colleges and universities and the procedure to get admission in them with full details for those who wish to study abroad after 12th standard.
In parent’s orientation, our counselling experts familiarize parent about broad career choices and help them understand their bright outlook for being supportive to their children to explore such careers.
Teacher's orientation aims at informing teachers about how to guide students about extensive careers and to reach out a large number of student to spread awareness and knowledge.