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I’m captivated by abgerny music and visuals; they enhance the immersive experience, making every moment in the game a thrilling escape.
Hello friend,here you have not mentioned your academic qualifications and what you are doing at present. If you have opted biology in your 11 and 12 class then you should take any biology subjects (zoology, animal behavior, marine biology, aquaculture technology) in your graduation. In post graduation you should take either zoology (with specialization in Fisheries), Fish technology (some universities and institutes do offer this course). Technically speaking the person holding a post graduate degree in fishery sciences is a fishery scientist but a doctoral degree is must to get a decent job.F
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Hello friend, In India, there many research institutions and universities, where scientists are working on novel and innovative technologies, required by our fishery farmer and suitable for our climatic conditions. The main innovative technologies, on which our scientists are working as: Quality fish seed production: Scientists are working on quality fish seed production to produce the fish rich in proteins and other essential micro nutrients. Using induced breeding of cultivable Carp fish the use of pituitary extract and ovaprim have been optimized fro Tarai region of India. The t
Hello friend, The fishery scientist is a person who studies about fishes, their distribution, classification their breeding, pathology, nutrition, genetics, immunology, cultivation, harvesting, post cultivation storage. Technically speaking a person holding a post graduate degree of Fishery Science is known as Fish Scientist. But practically some one holding a doctoral degree in Fish science is more suitable for making an entry as Fishery Scientist. The job of a fishery scientist is versatile. You have to interact with students, colleagues, seniors, clients and customers. Therefore a strong
An efficient OEM process means better control over your product’s lifecycle. Sourcing from an oem fishing lures provider guarantees that each step, from design to manufacturing, is executed with precision. This leads to faster delivery times and consistent quality across all products.
A fishery scientist or an Ichthyologist is a person who devotes a career studying and managing the fishery resources, which may involve shellfish, or aquatic mammals as well as fishes. As you have asked, the typical day of a fishery scientist depends upon the nature of the job. The fishery scientist may work in teaching line or in research. In teaching line, the person has to interact with students, colleagues, seniors and some time with clients also. Here the day start with preparing for lecture, and then delivery in the class. The students usually puts some queries in and out side the clas
Dear Friend, many thanks for your question, In fact you have asked a very practical question, the personal and professional skills are very important not only for a fishery scientist but also for every person who has dealing with others. Every person is borne with some personal or professional skills (also known as communication skills, interpersonal skills, soft skills, social skills, peoples skills), but we rarely realized that how we behave with others. We never give a thought that how we communicate with others. Let me tell you something about the personal and professional skills. I
Dear friend. Many thanks for your question, here you have not mentioned your academic qualifications and what you are doing at present. Let me tell you first something about fishery scientist and his nature of job, then you will have some idea that how creativity can be important in the job. The fishery scientist come form a various biological backgrounds, but all are related to effective management, use and conservation of aquatic plants and animals. The fishery scientist as researcher, manager, educator, teacher, and administrator they use their expertise in biology, ecology, genetics, nutr
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