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Interview Tips - Career Queries

This is a very interesting question and you may feel excited to reply.You might have applied your mind when you have seen this advertisement or requisite qualification and experience asked for.Think positive and convey to the interviewer about your past achievement on this aspect very briefly and express confidence to contribute the best services at all times.

3 answers T K Home in Interview Tips category

Hi Ashveen, There is no major or minor disappointment in life, disappointment is actually a learning opportunity that you can use to showcase what has been your takeaway from the situation you were in and How have you improved from the entire experience as a human being when you faced such an obstacle.    It can be not giving enough time to studies or family or not choosing the subject of your interest or not starting the thing you loved the most earlier in your life. The interviewer doesn't want to hear your confession he wants you to rather address the situation in a posi

3 answers Aditya Sisodia in Interview Tips category

Borjan brings an amazing collection of shoes for men online in Pakistan. This exclusive collection of men shoes is made from high-quality stuff and they go perfectly with every outfit. Shop now and step up your footwear game with Borjan Shoes latest collection!

9 answers in Interview Tips category

This is exactly for that reason fabulous and additionally extremely creative. I simply absolutely love all the different shades and additionally anyone can get the software on the deliver would be happy. ??????????

6 answers in Interview Tips category

Hi Saksham Have a good story ready. Be sure and use a suggestion that was accepted and was then considered successful. One related to the type of work applied for is a real plus point. You can be in any job and still be creative. It could be anything ranging from how effectively you introduced a student regulatory body in your college to stop ragging or it could be your idea of introducing the best performer of the month in your company which in turn increased enthusiasm and healthy competition among team.

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Hi Aman They looking for creativity i.e. ability to think out of box and you have to show them that. Being 'creative' simply means having a good idea and implementing it. Your examples can be big or small. You don't need to have designed a brand new product, any change that you brought can be a good answer. Some examples of creative solutions can be the use of a suggestion that was accepted and was later on considered successful, ability to diffuse conflict, problem solving techniques etc. 

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Elevate your style with the latest Pakistani luxury formals. Our luxury formal wear is designed to make you feel like a true fashion icon. Don't miss out on a chance to make a statement with our stunning collection. Find your favorite dress online today!

14 answers in Interview Tips category

Hi Tejaswi You might be tempted to give a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer, but don't.This question exposes people who can't deal with pressure or don't recognize that lifestyle issues are important for a good work life. This is a question which would judge about your positive mental attitude. Try giving a brief and comprehensive answer.  For Ex: 'Yes, I usually find it stimulating.  However, I believe in planning and proper execution to avoid panic around deadlines'.

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Hi Toshifa A very common question. This question needs a well prepared answer and requires high level of self insight by the candidate. Choose a weakness that is based on the truth. But choose a weakness that in fact will benefit the organization rather than hinder it.  A sample answer could be like- 'Though I appreciate the importance of work/life balance for a quality and healthy life, I do sometimes overbalance towards work'. This question could prompt follow-up questions like 'What are you doing to improve the weakness'?

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Hi Jinesh This is such an obvious question that everyone should be prepared for. This question would reveal your self- awareness and shows if the candidate has thought and planned. An example answer could be: I am an energetic IT graduate with strong project and management skills. I have led my college association comprising of a team of fifty enthusiastic graduates. During that time I developed my strengths in a number of areas. The answer should typically give hints on - Your ability to prioritize, Your problem-solving skills, Your ability to work under pressure, Your ability to focus on pro

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Hi Siddhi, Thanks for sharing your concern with others.  This tricky question is a highly situational question which means it all depends on what is the task at hand or the situation in front of you. These are a behavioral question to check you for traits such as adaptability, decision making, team player, risk taking, and other personality attributes. Hence whatever you say, you need to ensure that you have strong example to support your case.      

3 answers Aditya Sisodia in Interview Tips category

Hi Pratyakshi The interviewer is not looking for a long or flowery dissertation here. Short and positive answers show a benefit to the organization. They want to know how hard and meticulously you work and how effective you are. Do you have strong feelings that the job gets done? Yes, that's the type of answer that works best here.  Quote some stories using PERL i.e, Plan, Execute, Reflect and Learn. You made a plan, you implemented it with frequently evaluating it and in the process you learnt a lot as the team went through the project.

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Hi Pawan Take this opportunity to think of the times when you mastered new computer software, pitched in when a supervisor was ill or your team was heads down or performed well when a new set of responsibilities in an area where you had little or no experience."I am committed to this industry for the long term" attitude during your interviews will serve instant notice that you represent the kind of employee people need!!

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Your influence might range in a team by entirely listening to a member as she works out what to do and how to do 

2 answers in Interview Tips category

Hi Sourav Its time you show your relevant strengths in behavior, experience, skills, hard work etc. you can win a good deal of point if you narrate stories on how you resolved a problem in a crucial situation when working in a team. Take this opportunity to think of the times when you mastered new computer software, pitched in when a supervisor was ill or your team was heads down or performed well when a new set of responsibilities in area in which you had little or no experience. Company not only wants people who will do their job well but also have potential for the future. This is to know h

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Hi Sharvani,You need to state the situation clearly, when what why? Then you can talk about the "How" you helped resolve it. You should use terms like Sensitivity, empathy and apology as part of your response. In case you cannot remember any such occasion, then you should mention the same. But, still say that I would take the following steps to resolve the dispute. This shows clarity of thought and putting a process in place and your preparedness. All the best!

2 answers Vinay Wardhan in Interview Tips category

Hi Gourav This question is very important even if you applying for a job of a trainee and not that of a manager. Through this question Interviewer wants to know about your ability to manage people. The whole purpose to ask this question is to understand- 'Can the candidate achieve success by influencing other people inside and outside the organization'? Try telling interviewer by example- try telling them what you did to gain the trust of the team you're working with currently. Show them the attributes of natural leader.

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Hi Chandresh In this question you're being probed for how you work with your boss and sub-ordinates and whether you are likely to be an employee who cause problems rather than one who resolves them. So, you need to show loyalty, stability and that you are a easy person to work with and manage.  Be prepared with a quote or two from co-workers. Either a specific statement or a paraphrase will work. Before heading for interview make sure you ask team members what their perception of you is. There are numerous good possibilities:   Energy, Positive attitude, Expertise, Initiative, Patien

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

Hi Sahil This question is to see how well you can fit in a team. Knowing yourself or self insight is crucial. The answer to this question tells the Interviewers  a lot about you- your main weakness, How easy are you to work with and who is the real you? This question exposes back- biting, bitterness, grudges, inability to handle relationships. So, avoid all this. Use examples to show that you do know how people see you and that you learn from their feedback.

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Interview Tips category

I just now idea it can be a notion to share incase anybody else seemed to be experiencing difficulty investigating although My business is a bit undecided plainly was allowed to fit bands in addition to deals with with in this article. ??????????

7 answers in Interview Tips category