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HelloWelcome to!!! The Indian administrative services (IAS) and Delhi and Andaman Nicobar Island civil services are the bedrock of Indian administration. The selection of the IAS and DANICS officers are done through a common union public services examination. Being a class A service, the basic pay, opportunities, and area of operation is quite wide in IAS. DANICS comes under class B service so its area of operation is quite different difference between DANICS and IAS. Table Contents 1. The Indian Administrative service 2. DANICS services 3. DANICS and IAS 4
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Teacher at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Bokaro
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
PCO, Client Servicing & IT Professional, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Strategist, Engineer
Freelance Career Consultant with sound background in Media Communication and Public Relations
National Resource Person at Deptt. of Personnel and Training, New Delhi
Educational And Vocational Career Guide
Career Counselor / President at Foresight Foundation
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