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Omam Consultants Services Pvt. Ltd. is a dedicated player in providing human resources development services for over 35 years. The company caters to a wide range of customized services for clients in large business houses and MNC's in India and abroad, and is recognised as the leader in all activities it undertakes. Our success is built on absolute professionalism, the quality of our services & the skills and motivation of our people. Omam CapBuild School of Excellence in Healthcare (A Premier Institute offering Skill Development Programs in Healthcare Sector) announces admission to
Hello Good that you have highlighted your interests in your query. As you have indicated that you are interested in drawing, you can certainly choose the following courses. 1. B.Tech/ B.Des. [Fashion designing][1]: You can study Fashion designing course as this course requires superior drawing and creative thinking skills. It specialises in designing attires, ethnic, traditional and modern. You will use both free hand drawing on drawing sheets and as well draw using specialised software to design clothes. This is an attractive and glamorous industry with high recognisability and
Hi,Greeting's for the day!!!Fashion Design is the applied art devoted to the designing of clothing and lifestyle accessories. This art is influenced by cultural and social attitudes and has evolved over time and place. Fashion designing has come a long way from the designer clothes worn by the royalty of the ancient world to the haute couture products of the present.Fashion Designing is one of the most lucrative, appealing, glamorous, and exciting career options in today's world. If you have penchant for creativity, style and originality, a career in fashion designing is the one tailor made fo
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Career Advisor / Phd Scholar
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Career Counsellor
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Counselor at Adaptive Minds
Founder & Lead Career Counsellor @
Career Counselor, Center Manager at MAAC
Career Counselor at Prayatna - Centre for Educational Assessment and Intervention
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