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Brandemix is on of the best branding agencies in new york and it help you out in increasing the brand value of your company by focusing exclusively on your company branding. Brandemix believes in marketing, advertising, seamless corporate communication and social media marketing strategy.
Give first IDEAL CAREER psychometric testAfter this test you will get to know in which field you want to go. Link of test:; ( get 250RS discount on applying ADNAN250 code). ping back from careerguide app.
Firstly focus on your 11th - 12th study and score above 90% then join some coaching institute and crack the entrance exam for Genetical Engineering via going through bio technology. Give first IDEAL CAREER psychometric test After this test you will get surity that you are going on right path. Link of test:; ( get 250RS discount on applying ADNAN250 code).Call me if require, via app feature.
Give first STREAM SELECTOR™ TEST After this Psychometric test, you will definitely know which subject is good for your future. Link of test: ( get 250RS discount on applying ADNAN250 code). ping back from careerguide app or you can talk to me. or you can purcahse passion course from that you know your passion. PASSION COURSE having money back gurrantee also in 7 days.Link is given below:
The best stream for you is commerce. As commerce gives you an opportunity to pursue event management course after completing 10+2 commerce. You can join, BBA, BBM, BBS, BAM, etc or directly join Diploma in Event Mgt. from any reputed university.
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Call or mail : CONTACT US+91-8800442358 [email protected]
Hello Ishaan, You made a fake marksheet for your personal use, why?. Why follow illegal practices. Anyways at the moment when you have submitted your fake marksheet, dont try to be a good soul, appologise and submit the correct marksheet. Such an act will have a negative impact about yourself and the company may file fake charges against you, whereby you wont get a job anywhere else. At the sametime I would suggest discard the fake marksheet ASAP, rather right away before you begin work or even before you send in new applications. Wish you good luck..
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Director at Rosary Education System, Rosary Group of Schools, Rajkot
Career Counselor 15 Yrs Exp.
Counselling Psychologist
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Consulting Psychologist
SMAC™ (Scrum Master Accredited Certification) SCAC™(Scrum Coach Certification)Certfied Devops Practitoner
Career Counsellor
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Career Coach & Chief Operating Officer at HR Power House
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