

Age- 32+ MBA marketing from P.T.U. is there any chance to get a job in F.M.C.G. co.?

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by Koushik_just
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RE: Age- 32+ MBA marketing from P.T.U. is there any chance to get a job in F.M.C.G. co.?

Meghna Mukherjee
Meghna Mukherjee
Verified Career Expert
Counselor at Adaptive Minds
  • Mumbai

Firstly any reason for asking this question. Any reason you feel, you would not make it into an FMCG company.

FMCG companies have a good growth and never faces recession. Since they have to reach masses with their products they would require good Marketing people in their team.

You are qualified MBA Marketing person, having knowledge about marketing techniques and strategies to be used. I am also sure that you do have experience in marketing in few companies.
So it would not be a tough call for you.
Age is not a criteria, for not getting a job, and really speaking you are at the right age and right qualifications to land up with your dream job.

Without any hesitation in mind, just apply to various companies you could think ofg. But first get a good handout about yourself stating your strengths in terms of marketing. Next state how those strengths could be an assets to the organization you wish to join and lastly talk about any special rewards or certificates or any major deal you cracked. Send this letter along with your resume.

Also important is go through website and apply online. You could also upload your Resume on various job portals and most importantly maintain contacts as word of mouth also plays an important role.

Few points you could work on continuously while you apply:
Enhance your marketing skills
Be innovative in your current role
Learn different languages, local languages must
Improvise on the English language
Maintain contacts
Think differently from the books
Get more information about products
Read about the company
Most importantly know your strengths and have the confidence

All the very best....
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Caching Date: 3/15/2025 4:34:38 AM