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Hello Sir & teachers, please guide me with a carrier as im a commerce student so can i do nutritionist course from VLCC, they are even providing me placement. If not so qhich Carrier i must go for as currently im studying M.COM part1. Thank you.
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Hi Shifa,
Firstly, before I answer your query, I would like to ask you, would you like to go to a a doctor, who is not properly qualified, or is possessing half knowledge and is confused himself
If one does not have science knowledge, he or she cannot practice on their own. Thus a course from VLCC, qualifies you as a nutritionists, whereby dietary knowledge is apt, but knowledge regarding physiology would not be covered.Hence when a client approaches you, you would have o tell them to list down his ailments, his daily plan and other details needed, and then meet him later. In the meanwhile you would have to consult a doctor who would be able to read his reports and suggests accordingly.
Even when a client visits the diet centers like VLCC, the nutritionists never suggest plans immediately. They always refer first to a medical fraternity and then based on their conclusion suggests dietary necessities.
So no harm in you pursuing the course, but ultimately you need to be associated with a doctor to give better and appropriate results to your clients.
Hope this clears the picture for you.
As such as a B.Com graduate you have many options open to you depending on your line of interestYou are anyways pursuing M.Com. You could opt for:
Hope this helps you in selecting a career in the future
Wish you good luck.........
Dear Aspirant,
A Commerce student like you wishes to go to an altogether different field of Nutritionist? Can I know why do you feel that this field is good for you? Are you impressed by VLCC advertisements or someone in your contact is working there?
My Dear Shifa, please think once again why you are doing this? You are already graduate and doing MCom which is itself good. I would suggest you go for a commerce course.
To be best sure of what suits you for your career, I would suggest you to undergo an online psychometric test from which will help you understand yourself in respect of your strengths, weaknesses, emotional quotient, etc. and will exactly tell you which stream is good for you.
Best wishes,
Dr. Anand Wadadekar
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