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Hi There,
Let me first begin with a little introduction to the role a Paint technologists plays:Paint Technology is the discipline in which one studies about the various ingredients - resin, polymers, pigments etc. that are used in making a paint. - It involves understanding the chemistry of the functions of each ingredient going into the paint and the effect on the final property of the paint. - They are responsible for developing new products as well as enhancing and upgrading the qualities of products which have already been developed. - Paint Technologist identifies and evaluates the suitability of various paints for various applications. - Paint Technologist explain to the customers about the right usage of paints and identify new markets for the products. - Their work also involves developing new colours and textures of paints, new techniques for the application of paints etc.
JOB PROSPECTS AND CAREER OPTIONSPaint industry is mainly dependent on automobile and real estate industry.
A Paint Technologist is required in different departments of the paint industry. They can find work in any of the following departments of paint manufacturing companies:
Now whichever department you opt for, you would have to interact with others in the office.
But if you are into the technical department, whereby you are in the role of meeting prospective clients, understanding their requirements, educating them about the latests in the market etc.These all require excellent communication skills.Communications being a part of the interpersonal skills.
Mind you, whichever job you take, whichever company you work for, there would be colleagues around, even if you are working as an independent dealer, you would have to interact with your clients, thus interpersonal skills are a must in any field.
Hope this helps.
Wish you good luck............
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Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Mr Tejas is a practicing Career Psychologist. He is a certified Master Trainer of Life Skills from (Khemka Foundation) Delhi and holds more than five year of experience as Career Psychologist and life skill trainer. He has counselled around 50,000+ students over conferences in various part of country .Scholarships and competitive exams are his special areas.
Chief Career Counselor Abhinav Career Scope
Prof Dinesh has done his bachelors and masters in Chemical Engineering and has submitted thesis For Ph.D. in Chemical Technology under V.C of Nagpur University. Currently he is working as a Asst. Professor at MIT Pune. He had written various books on computer topics, he is also a frequent writer in Daily Prabhat Pune on various career topics. He had been counseling students in his field on engineering from very long time now; he is a director Abhinav Career Scope, Pune (Career Guidance Center). He had delivered lectures and seminars on topics related to career guidance, engineering admission procedure, how to select right branch etc.
Career Counselor/Canadian Education and Visa Expert
Ms.Deepali is a graduate from Delhi university. She excels in providing personal guidance at the critical stages of making choices for education at any level be it Grade 10th or Post Graduate Level.she had over 12 year of experience in the field of education and counselling. she had worked with education UK, British council India and Canadian education center India.currently she is a director of NovaEdu ,advising students on education and career in India and abroad.
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