
mikhail gonsalves

Hello i wanted to know which course will help me get job abroad?

by mikhail gonsalves
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3 answers

RE: Hello i wanted to know which course will help me get job abroad?

Meghna Mukherjee
Meghna Mukherjee
Verified Career Expert
Counselor at Adaptive Minds
  • Mumbai

Hi There,


Interesting question.

But please note that there is no such specific course that can help you go broad.

You can pursue any course as per your choice and then apply broad to the country of your choice.

But course in LAW, Management, Cetc, will require you to appear for an additional course as you need to be familiar with the country code of conduct and follow it accordingly.

Hope this helps

Wish you good luck....

RE: Hello i wanted to know which course will help me get job abroad?

Verified Career Expert
Associate Professor & Career Counsellor at SCMS COCHIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
  • Cochin

Dear Mr Mikhail,


There is no such specific course to go broad. But, there are some specific skills required to choose jobs in gulf countries. They are, language skills, especially arab, English, etc. If you aspire for teaching jobs, these are the main ever available options for teachers.

IT, Healthcare, Nursing, Engineering, accounting & mp; Finance, construction & mp; property, human resources professional especially recruitment professionals, marketing profession ls in consumer durables, financial products, automobiles and so on are most demanded skills in UK.


Short age of skills in Science, Technology, Engineering / Education and Mathematics (STEM) are in demand in US as per studies. As these skills are in abundance and employers are finding it difficult to use them ppropriately, there is problem of optimum utilization of them. On the other hand, these skills are in shortage also in some sectors as employers are seeking for appropriate skills to fill the gap. IT & mp; Healthcare profession ls are in real short age as such.


Biotechnology with Phd., banking and finance profession ls especially risk managers, IT Professionals, Treasury managers, credit operations, and financial analytics are in demand sectors in asia -Pacific countries especially, India , Japan and China . 

As your nationality is not clear I have given broad idea of the present scenario of skills short age and possibilities for jobs. 

With you all the best...!!












RE: Hello i wanted to know which course will help me get job abroad?

Prathamesh Kapote
Prathamesh Kapote
Verified Career Expert
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
  • Nasik

Hello Dear Aspirant,


A warm welcome to Career Guide.com


Thanks for visiting us and writing us your career query.


It seems that you have been planning to make your career in the Foreign country.Many of the students aspires to start or make their career in the foreign countries. In order to make a career in the foreign country its not any an easy task. First of all let me make you aware that many of the Foreign Countries have been making a very strict rules for their Visa. Very few countries have been allowing the other country people to apply for the Work in the foreign countries. Countries Like Gulf Countries they have an job opportunities .


Whereas the most secured option to go for the Foreign Career i would suggest you to go for an Formal an Education Degree first i.e Engineering,HealthCare,Tourism,Hospitality Management etc. after pursuing any of the formal degree may be you can apply for a job in selected countries like singapore,dubai,qatar etc. or the other option is if the company that you have joined in India if the same company sends you in the foreign country for work you have an option to go for foreign.


You can also connect to the foreign job consultant for the same.


As such their are no specific course to go for abroad.


Before taking any kind of a step make sure you hold a good degree to get a good job. Get in touch for the foreign job with an genuine person.Do a research where are the job opportunities . What are the Visa rules and regulations etc.


I hope yo find this infromation relevant to you career query.


Feel free to get in touch again for any further career queries.


Wish you Good Luck

Thank You


Warm Reagrds,

Prathamesh Kapote

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RE: Hello i wanted to know which course will help me get job abroad?

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