Hassan Bohra

How many companies are present in India who hire Industrial Production Engineers?

Tell me every detail about it

by Hassan Bohra
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RE: How many companies are present in India who hire Industrial Production Engineers?

Preeti Taneja
Preeti Taneja
Verified Career Expert
Dy. Manager Education & Counselling, Welspun India Limited
  • Chandigarh
Industrial engineering is all about designing/managing methods and procedures to increase productivity , quality and efficiency in manufacturing process. The increasing complexity of industrial operations and the expansion of automated process in factories and offices is contributing to the demand for industrial engineers. In today's times companies are trying to cut costs and improve efficiency . Most of them choose to outsource experienced industrial engineers.

The main areas of work of an industrial engineers are :

Quality control
Statistical process control
Product ability
Motion economy
Research & Development

The companies that hire industrial engineers includes:-

Manufacturing Units
Consumer electronics industry
Medical and pharmaceutical units
Textiles Industry
Information Technology
Other public sector industries like petroleum , steel and chemical industries
Private consultancy firms
R&D establishment of big companies

Some of the big companies

Tata Steel
Larsen & Toubro
Bhushan Steel
Jindal Steel
Esaar Steel
Essar Shipping
Esaar Constructions
Grasim Industry
JCT Limited
Groz Beckett
Cheema Boilers
LG Electronics
Hindustan Lever
Cipla pharmaceuticals

They are responsible for designing methods and facilities for manufacturing and services.

Much of an industrial engineer's output is used by management for making decisions. As an industrial engineer, their recommendations may affect the size of a firm's profits, its labor relations as well as its production costs.

One of the major work areas of an industrial engineer involves automating a production process
Industrial engineer determine the suitability of locations for factories depending on the best combination of raw material availability, transportation and costs.

They also assist in financial planning and cost analysis, design production systems as well as quality control procedures.

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