Mirnal Sharma

How the creativity is important for the role of a Psychologist?

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by Mirnal Sharma
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RE: How the creativity is important for the role of a Psychologist?

Dr. K.V. Anand
Dr. K.V. Anand
Verified Career Expert
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
  • Palakkad

Dear career aspirant,

Welcome to Meracareerguide

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Creativity is the basic requirement in any science subjects. I do not know what is your current qualification. But whatever may be subject in science, it is almost based on theory and then practical. Theory is theory. Means always questionable. New questions over theories produce newer theories. Therefore creative thinking is essential to form new questions, then to mke it new hypotheses and then to research it and then make it another new theory. That is the process science takes.

In psychology. You cannot see the mind and the thinking process. So formulation of every theory requires observation of the behavior, which is the visible part of mind. So there are lot of imagination work to be done in formalising a hypotheses, forming a question, creating research methodologies etc. The creativity required here shall be explained as infinite.

If you are opting for other professions other than research based, like counseling psychologist, clinical psychologist, organizational psychologist, school psychologist etc, Your level of creativity may become more vibrant because of the challenges you are going to meet at your professional atmosphere.

For example, in clinical psychology, psychotherapy is mostly used to treat patients with mentl disorders. In such cases, there are set psychotherapy principles for general population. The challenge for clinical psychologist is to formulate a psychotherapy treatment method suitable for the client in front of him. Here the psychotherapist needs to use trial and error method without negatively affecting the client. You can see how creativity is useful here.

For an organisation psychologist, the task differs. Here it is not treatment but analyzation of the people, organization, market, consumers, trends etc and finding a solution for the requirement arise out of any current situation prevailing in the scenario. Again high creativity is essential.

Psychologist often go further and take psychometric career assessment test . Each test goes through a series of trial and error methods to pass the two important milestones. Reliability and validity. To pass these milestones, you need to check and recheck and recheck the tests so that they can be used for a specific psychometric aspect.

Therefore creativity is the base of any psychologist.

Hope this clears your doubts. Available for further clarifications.
Good luck.

RE: How the creativity is important for the role of a Psychologist?

Apurva Kumar Pandya, PhD
Apurva Kumar Pandya, PhD
Verified Career Expert
Consulting Psychologist
  • Delhi

Thanks for putting up your concerns at www.careerguide.com.

As Dr. Anand rightly mentioned, creativity is base of any discipline. He very well explained the importance of creativity in psychology discipline. I won't repeat what Dr. Anand has recommended.

I would like to emphasize that in psychology discipline, creativity is required in following domains:

Dealing with clients
Facilitating psychological processes
Simplifying psychological concepts and explaining
Writing (papers, articles or sharing your experiences)

Hope this helps. Best Luck for your career,
Apurva Kumar Pandya, PhD

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