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FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Mrs. Halima is a postgraduate in psychology from Osmania University and a International Diploma in Guidance & Counseling in collaboration with COL, Canada. She posses Enormous experience in Academic and Psychological Counseling and had done Project on “Counseling & Guidance using ACA & APA standards “, “Motivation to enhance academic achievements”,” Comparative analysis of Self Confidence of undergraduate boys & girls”. She had worked as an Academic Research Associate at Indian Institute of Management, Indore. She specializes in educational, career and academic counseling and guidance, Organizational behavior.
MD PhD,(CABMM) and University Hospital Zurich
Mr Ajit is an Expert Biomedical Researcher trained in Biomedical engineering and Clinical Medicine. he had working experience with multidisciplinary international basic and clinical researchers.He had also worked in independent project management in clinical research.His outclass contribution in publications related to his field also counts in for his specialization.
Teacher at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Bokaro
Mr Vikash has an experience in career counselling for students from age group of 12 to 20 across various domains. He is also an experienced teacher for and specializes in coaching students for Olympiads; he works as a teacher at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Bokaro. B He possess skills in all areas of education, can counsel, motivate and direct students while maintaining high interest and achievement levels in a fun and challenging learning environment.
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