
Rachit Agrawal

I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering. What are the other career options available to me apart from manufacturing and Mechanical jobs?

I am looking for other job options other than traditional one

by Rachit Agrawal
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RE: I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering. What are the other career options available to me apart from manufacturing and Mechanical jobs?

Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD
Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD

Hello There!

Thanks for approaching us at CareerGuide.com!!!

Being a Mechanical Engineer you definitely have good opportunities for career apart from manufacturing and mechanical jobs. I am very happy to see your unique and well thought query and also that you approached CareerGuide.com for seeking guidance and clarification to your wonderful and unique query. I congratulate you for thinking out of the box and also I am happy that you are not among the ones who follow the herd mentality.

As congratulated earlier, glad that you are looking to listen and find out about other areas for career being a mechanical engineer.

Firstly Mechanical Engineer can work in manufacturing, production, operations, is a great great myth. Mechanical Engineers are today also going in huge numbers in Information Technology sector, however the sad thing is there is almost no need of mechanical engineering knowledge to design a software program.

Mechanical Engineers are masters in designing, conceptualising, calculations, estimating and of course in the hard core work of mechanics and machinery.

Construction industry is the only sector which requires in huge number civil, mechanical and electrical engineers every year. Construction / Infrastructure industry is poised to grow at 15% growth rate and requires $one Trillion of investment and the best part is out of this amount, fifty percent (50%) is required from the private sector and therefore there is emergence of Public-Private-Partnership model in the economy which was not before.

Today huge number of Civil and Mechanical Engineers are required in the Construction and Project Management domain since this is the area in which the companies are not able to get the trained talent in terms of Project Management. Mechanical Engineers are required in the construction industry for projects from real estate to power plants. According to a survey, Ten Lakh project management professionals are required annually in the country.

There are few educational institutions which train Civil and Mechanical Engineers in Construction and Project Management. One of them is Samvit School of Infrastructure Business ( www.samvitinfra.edu.in) which is based in Pune which offers Two Year Full Time Placement Assured PG Diploma in Infrastructure Business focused on Construction and Project Management.

Best Luck.

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