
Nidhi Rathod

I have passed 10th ahd I am confused about which career to select....can you please help?

I am curious, Kindly clarify

by Nidhi Rathod
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RE: I have passed 10th ahd I am confused about which career to select....can you please help?

Dr. K.V. Anand
Dr. K.V. Anand
Verified Career Expert
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
  • Palakkad

Dear career aspirant

Welcome to CareerGuide.com
We guide you to perfect career solution.

Thank for the query. Career is what we live with for the rrest of our life. Career is passion, personal satisfaction and fulfilment. Salary and other emoluments come second. Therefore you need toselect your career very carefully.

Every person has his own skills, abilities, passion, attitudes etc. You should know them. You may be good at math, then your career shall be related to math. You may be good at art and colours, then your career shall be of a web designer, artist, painter, sculptor, cinematographer etc. Choosing the right career is a taskk which needs to be mastered at. Doing the hectic task along may not be a good option. Confusion may arise if so many people are there to guide you (like friends, parents, teachers, well wishers, local career advicers etc). Then we are here to help you.
If the selection is base on just hunch, intution, advice from friends etc, the career could be bloated. You should take so many things into account. Now a days we have career aptitude tests. Every branch of career have one aptitude test and there is a collective test like career selection test or strream selector test. These are psychometric tests designed by eminent psychologists and academicians. They are fool proof. You can undergo career selection and stream selector test. The results shall showcase your abilities, skills, attitude, personality etc. Result shall also suggest which stream you should opt for. After taking the test, please contact me again and I shall help you further.

Therefore my sincere advice for you shall be to take the test and decide according to the outcome of the test.

Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.
Good luck.
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