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Hello Aparna,Welcome to and thanks for choosing to answer your query.Well Aparna Engineering field has been always a great field for making a very bright future and it has been always the first choice of all students and parents of dreaming to have a Successful career in Engineering. But many a times students get into wrong Engineering Course which leads them to face a hassle life as they don't have the proper information about the course like which subjects they are going to study,what are the Job Prospects on completion of the course etc.One must always try to collect all such information before applying for any course and one must also consider his/her area of interest in which subjects they have.
SO answering your question in order to get into Communication Engineering you can get into it by taking up Electronicsl and Communication Engineering.ECE is a branch of Electrical Engineering that deal with the application of mathematical and scientific principles to the design and development of electrical and electronic systems and their components which include electrical power generation systems.It basically deals with the study and application of electricity,electronics and electromagnetism.The main areas of this field include Communications and Networking,Signal Processing,Microwave Engineering,Nanoelectronics ans VLSI and Photonics. Communications engineering deals with the development and operation of Communication Technology which includes telecommunication and computer programming. The ECE Engineers direct control and look after the test production process,and ensures safety installation and proper functioning of the various mechanisms. The Sub disciplines of this field are Power,Electronics,Control,Microelectronics,Signal Processing ,telecommunications,instrumentation and computers.Core Subjects-One studies the subjects like Electronics Engineering,Laser and Optical Engineering,Integrated Circuit Design etc.On the Successful completion of B.E or B.Tech one can also apply for further studies for M.E or M.Tech or Research or MS in Foreign Countries.Job Profiles:-
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While you can also get into government sector by qualifying the test conducted by Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) and Staff Selection Commission (SSC).
Hope you find the information helpful and useful.
Wish you good luck!!!
Feel free to get in touch again
Thank you
Warm Regards,
Prathamesh K.
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FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Mrs. Halima is a postgraduate in psychology from Osmania University and a International Diploma in Guidance & Counseling in collaboration with COL, Canada. She posses Enormous experience in Academic and Psychological Counseling and had done Project on “Counseling & Guidance using ACA & APA standards “, “Motivation to enhance academic achievements”,” Comparative analysis of Self Confidence of undergraduate boys & girls”. She had worked as an Academic Research Associate at Indian Institute of Management, Indore. She specializes in educational, career and academic counseling and guidance, Organizational behavior.
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Mr. Prathamesh is a Certified Career Consultant by Psytech International (bps) UK and is also a Certified Trainer for Life Skills; he is pursuing Narrative Therapy from Adelaide, Australia. He has been in to career counseling for more than 8 years now he practices MINDFULNESS psychotherapy with students. He possesses vast experience in teaching and career counseling. Currently he is associated with FUEL NGO. He had counseled over laces of students and is a founder director of Canvas Career Consultancy, committed to conduct Psychometric assessments for students and do career counseling by making them aware about new career avenues
Counselor at Rajalakshmi Engineering College
Education & Career Counselling, Intervention therapies for children with learning disabilities. Remedial Training and counselling for Teachers and Parents. Counsellor and Remedial Trainer at Life Healthcare Multi Speciality Rehabilitation Centre, Chennai. Counsellor and Special Educator at Meennakshi Matriculation School, Chennai
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