
Rohit Dubey

Is the career in physical education good from job perspective? What courses are there for the same?

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RE: Is the career in physical education good from job perspective? What courses are there for the same?

Avadhut Desai
Avadhut Desai
Verified Career Expert
Career Counselor / President at Foresight Foundation
  • Kolhapur

Each of us wants to be fit, and the efforts which one makes to be fit are the multipronged approach. The human body consists of a significant muscular system, and to keep it fit a well scientific and distinguished approach is needed. Each of the muscle, bone needs the distinguished exercises based on the scientifical and physiological system for the specialized purpose. Let us take the example of taking sports wise classification of the exercises. For the football, one needs the endurance more than that of fatigue. Similarly, for the basketball one need to have a fitness as per as game demand. For such cumbersome sets of different exercises needed a distinguished approach, which puts up the need to have a specialized trainer or institution of physical education.

In the light of competitions and susceptibility of getting injuries in the games are frequently presents, which can hamper the growth and career of the sportsmen, hence the need for the physical education becomes so much important these days and even the government is doing is best to enhance the physical education colleges as well as recruiting those graduates in the service of the nation. Those who are dedicated to the sports, and could not make an entry in the field as a sportsperson or player, it’s the opportunity to get into the sports life through the path of the physical education.

A lot of valuable queries will be sorted out in this article, regarding admissions, best colleges, degrees, job opportunities etc.

What is physical education?

Physical education is the branch of the science in which there is a study of the body in order to keep it fit. Thus it is a set of principles, techniques, and instructions to keep the body fit. Scientifically, the whole physical education works on the various theories and laws, which will be applied to the body to make it suitable for the sport or a game, which an individual going to play.

Physical education generally consists of exercises, yoga, foreplay, etc on the ground front and management skills, fixtures development etc on the logistic fronts.

Physical education seems to be the small term, but trust me it is as much wide as an ocean. It is a unit on which the future, the health and the quality of the sportsman depend.

Components of physical education

  • Planning in sports: planning is the basic requirement for the sports, thus physical education has planned as its very first component.
  • Leadership and training: it is the component of physical education which enable us to focus on the leadership and training of an individual.
  • Sports and nutrition: nutrition play very important role in the sports and development of the sportsman for a specific
  • Postures: posture is the jewel of the sportsman, the dedicated study of the posture and its development is the key feature of physical education.
  • Women & sports: women are an integral part of the sports. There are several differentiated exercises and disciplines are specific for the women, thus physical education plays a big role for women.
  • Tests and measurement in sports: scientifical methods to determine the measures and marking of the

Courses in physical education

Bachelor of physical education B.P.Ed

It is the most common degree in the physical education to enter in the field of physical education professional. I

Duration: 3years


  • History of the physical education
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Assessments
  • Sports skills and analytics
  • Teaching methodology of physical education
  • Sports management
  • Fixtures and measurement

Masters in physical education - M.P.Ed.

After the bachelor degree, one can go for a masters degree in physical education for more avenues and opportunities.

Duration: 2years


  • Biomechanics of sports
  • Exercise physiology
  • Track field and measuring methods
  • Talent definition in sports and recognition
  • Theory game
  • All sports professional studies

Colleges for physical education

  • Pune national college of physical education
  • Lakshmibai physical education college, Trivandrum
  • Indira Gandhi college of physical education, Delhi
  • Jiwaji college of physical education, Gwalior
  • SC (Sadguru College) Jalgaon
  • Amity Noida
  • Mumbai physical education college

Job perspectives

Physical education has the vast potential both in public and private for the job point of view. Since the career on the sports is emerging, so thereby the need of the physical educationalists is also getting the higher pitch mainly in the countries like India.

Here are some of the famous jobs are described which will clear the picture of jobs opportunities in these domains:

  • Physical education trainer or instructor

In every government schools, colleges, offices, community, sports center, sports academy, etc there is a person who works as the trainer or instructor for the general fitness, PT education, yoga. This a most common job lie in the domain of the physical education.


  • Athletics trainer

To make an individual or groups for the athletic competition, or to impart training for the academic admissions in an athlete, there is a post of athletic more trine in government schools and colleges.


  • Fixture

The main job of the fixture is to draw the fixtures i.e. the schedule of the matches.        


  • Match organizer and planner

For every interstate tournament and into a country matches, one look after the planning formulates plans and heads different sports committees. This is a government post with good prestige.


  • Nodal district officer

A Ph.D. holder physical education candidate, can become the district nodal officer, on the based selection process. It is one of the high paid jobs.

  • Yoga trainer

Yoga is an integral part of the physical education program in India, thus after completing the masters in the physical education with yoga as a subject, one can join in government departments as a yoga trainer.


  • Camp leader

India witnesses huge camps sites during summers and winters, tournaments and holidays fun. To promote the tourism government appoints the camp officer or campus leader posts, who will lead the teams in respective camp sites.


  • Teacher in institutes

One can join the private or government institute based on the selection process, after completing the post graduation, and in universities after completing the doctorate degree.

Physical education in recent times emerged as a giant field not only from the fitness issues but also from the job point of view. One need to have a good interest and discipline to pursue physical education, selection of good college and correct guidance, to make the bright career in this aspect.

For further queries and related information, you can approach the Professional Experts at CareerGuide. Hope this will help you!

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RE: Is the career in physical education good from job perspective? What courses are there for the same?

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