
Shrivijay Sivasubramaniam

What are the most amazing products ever produced by Mechanical Engineers?

Provide me with example and images

by Shrivijay Sivasubramaniam
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RE: What are the most amazing products ever produced by Mechanical Engineers?

Jyoti B Dhingra
Jyoti B Dhingra
Verified Career Expert
Education, Sports & Relationship Counselor
  • Mumbai


Mechanical engineers create and develop mechanical systems for all of humankind. Concerned with the principles of force, energy and motion, mechanical engineers use their knowledge of design manufacture, and operational processes to advance the world around us, enhancing safety , economic vitality and enjoyment through out the world.

Mechanical engineers design everything from athletic equipment, medical devices and personal computers to air conditioners, automobile engines and electric power plants, they also design the machines that produce these innovations. Many more things you will come to know from the names of the companies i am listing below, about other products.

Almost every aspect of life is touched by mechanical engineering. Spanning multiple industries the career opportunities for me are diverse and found world wide through out thousands of companies ranging from large multinational to small local firms like Aerospace, Auto-motives , Bio- technology , Chemical, Computers , Construction, Consumer products, energy, electronics, engineering consulting, entertainment, government, nano- technology, Robotics.

I hope the above information will help you understand your question. Use it and move forward in your career. All the best to you dear.

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!

JEE Main Previous Year Paper

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JEE Main and Advanced syllabus

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Caching Date: 3/15/2025 3:55:28 AM