
Karthick Sudhan

What are the working hours of a Mechanical Engineer? And do they need to work for night shifts or flexible timings?

what is the most common work timing in this industry

by Karthick Sudhan
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RE: What are the working hours of a Mechanical Engineer? And do they need to work for night shifts or flexible timings?

Dr. Ashwani Rana
Dr. Ashwani Rana
Verified Career Expert
Asst. Prof. & Student Counsellor
  • Jalandhar

Dear Student, it may depend upon the work culture of the organization you work for. If you are an academician, i.e. teaching at a college or university, then you have eight hours' work shift, which may be either of these timings - 8 am to 4 pm/ 9 am to 5 pm/ 10 am to 6 pm and if you are in an industry and working on some project or are in a field job then there may be chances of change of day and night shift in rotation. You may pursue your mechanical degree from any one of these - Sarvottam Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon,.....................Axis institute of Technology and Management, Kanpur,..........................

..Lovely Professional Univesity, Phagwara

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