Nilesh Chugwani

What is the eligibility criteria to be a Electronics & Instrumentation Engineer?

I need urgent answer to decide my prefrence

by Nilesh Chugwani
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RE: What is the eligibility criteria to be a Electronics & Instrumentation Engineer?

Preeti Taneja
Preeti Taneja
Verified Career Expert
Dy. Manager Education & Counselling, Welspun India Limited
  • Chandigarh

Engineers lay down the technological and industrial infrastructure of a country. They help build roads, bridges, buildings, manufacture machines , equipment and instruments , construct aero planes, power generating units , cars and computers and do so many other things which make modern life comfortable and progressive. Engineers and technologists apply scientific principles, theories and methods to achieve practical needs.
In specific a control and instrumentation engineer is essentially responsible for designing, developing, installing, managing and maintaining equipment which is used to monitor and control engineering systems, machinery and processes. The common responsibilities of instrumentation engineers include designing and developing new control systems, maintaining and modifying existing systems, managing operations, project management, writing computer software etc.The scope of instrumentation engineering is vast and appears to be growing due to increased use of automatic control in manufacturing and process plants.

Diploma courses of three or 4 years duration are usually open to student passing class 10 with science and mathematics. Admission would be on the basis of merit and rank in joint entrance test.

The four year bachelor's degree course in engineering are open to students who have passed plus two/ equivalent with physics, chemistry and math. The admission to engineering college is through an engineering entrance test i.e. jee main & advanced. Direct admission through lateral entry into second year of btech is for diploma holders in engineering and graduates in science with math as subject who have secured minimum 60% marks in the aggregate.

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