
Which course to choose bba or b.a hons(economics)?

I am in class 12 from commerce stream I am very confuse which graduation couse to choose b.a hons (economics) or bba? And I wanted to do couse from Calcutta or from mumbai

by Madhu3122
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RE: Which course to choose bba or b.a hons(economics)?

Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD
Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD

Hello There! I understand from your query that you are confused over which graduation you should choose. I am glad that you approached for seeking guidance and getting advice in solving your career confusion. I am sure that you will benefit and will be able to decide your future career path. I am an Educationist and Economist and have been counselling many students from commerce / management fields primarily for seven year now and also have been involved into teaching and writing on career management in reputed newspapers, magazines and portals all over India. You can google search my name to read my writings. From your query I understand that you are confused whether to choose BBA or BA Economics. This is a typical and a very common query which many students face these days and therefore I would like to tell you that there is perfectly no reason for you to get worried and tensed. Firstly you need to understand the difference between BBA, BCom and BA Economics courses and also need to know their career path if you complete any one of these course after HSC Commerce. Firstly you need to think why do you want to choose BBA or BA Economics, then we will look into the choice of the city between Kolkata and Mumbai. See, BBA course is a foundation course in business administration, BCom course is a very good over all foundation course for commerce field and BA Economics is a very focused course in just Economics and nothing else. All these three courses though related to same [field of commerce and management] are still different than each other.



Here I would like to suggest you to under go a psychometric test which will allow to know for your self that which course will suit you more. You will also get to know your strengths and weaknesses which is very important factor to build a successful career and job out look. If you want to become an MBA later, then I would say that you should choose BBA. If you are interested in banking sector or teaching, you should opt for BA Economics (after BA, you should definitely do MA Economics from a reputed Economics institute like Delhi School of Economics, Gokhale Institute Pune, JNU Delhi, Symbiosis Economics Institute, etc.). Also since you have done HSC in commerce, it would also be beneficial if you complete BCom and later on change to MA Economics directly or go for MBA. Best Luck.

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RE: Which course to choose bba or b.a hons(economics)?

manojjnu Kumar
manojjnu Kumar
Dear Friend
, First of all our prime job is to diagnose your problem and must inform you about your weakest point which should be removed immediately. If your intelligence allows you to go with that then must act upon you will find drastic difference at the mind set level. As I have realized that people have natural phenomenon to get confused at young stage when you have multiple options in front of you but has to confined with the healthy decision. To make it happens you need t follow certain instructions those are not very odd and uncommon rather all successful persons have done it in their own terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are not documented in anybody's life. Though these come sarcastically and impose the circumstances accordingly, now it is you who will tackle or deal with this and give a new direction according to your upbringing style which comes inherently from your family and society.

Once you are clear with the phillospohy of life that teaches you how to lead a simple life without any complications then you will never approach anybody with your bundle of questions from here and there rather you will look calm and composed and your friends and family will be impressed with your charismatic attitude which is the base of any quality aptitude.

Now come to the next level that is related to your educational confusion, [let me ask you that why you had chosen commerce at 12th level][1]?

It indicates that you are completely unknown from your background which is based on the interest and self motivation. If you lack with the fundamental strength then you are mislead by your seniors and then have taken a wrong career choice. May be I am wrong regarding the suitability with the subject and your candidature and might be possible that you have not tried to understand the commerce and committed the mistake due to influence of any misfit.

Commerce has bright scope in banking, Chartered accountancy, company secretory etc. if you are convinced that commerce is not going to work out then take econcomics hon with the combination of psychology and english and something else.

Good luck

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RE: Which course to choose bba or b.a hons(economics)?

Dr Aparna
Dr Aparna
Verified Career Expert
PhD Organizational Psychology
  • Hosur

First of all I recommend you to take a psychometric testing from this website. Taking up this test will help you understand your own personality and the suitable careers you may like to pursue for your personality type. This will help you clear out the unwanted options from your mind.

I am a Management graduate and I can certainly help you distinguish the lines between BBA and Economics program.

Lots of students tend to believe they are interrelated and this is how I myself thought too long ago. And the answer is they are entirely different from one another. BBA is a business administration course which means managing people and resources required to run a business/ company. Economics is a course that governs the business. To be simple, it tells you how efficiently the business runs, how efficiently the people of the company are put to use and how efficiently the resources of the company are put to use to help run the business. For example, you own a company that sells some food products. As the company owner you will be responsible for employing persons to manufacture the product, handle finance, do marketing of the product and finally sell the product at the stores. So you are only bothered to run the business with the resources you have and nothing beyond that. But there might be many reasons why certain business gets affected at some time, and to understand the reasons 'Economics' subject comes in.

As a Economist you will understand why customers dont prefer a product during particular period and why they prefer buying a product at other seasons. Good example is, the job of an Economist is to understand why juices and ice-creams sell in surplus during summer. We all know that these products are preferred in summer than in winter but an Economist thinks beyond this. He goes to the extent to understand how the sales, country's economy gets affected in winter when these products doesn't get sold. They also act as an advisor to companies to advise what all a company could do to make money even in winter. Another example is the rising costs of petrol. As an Economist, they will analyse if the rising costs of petrol has affected people using vehicles for transportation. They will try to find if people are still buying petrol though the cost is raised or if they have cut down on buying petrol. If they have cut down, then what other modes of transportation are the people using? Are they dependent on public transports, and if the dependence on public transports is increased, how much the government makes revenue out of this? If they started using bicycles, are the bicycles company benefited with increased bicycle sales because of this raise in petrol price? Simple, an Economist thinks how all a business gets affected and who are the other benefactors due to this. Where in a business person thinks how all he can function and improve his business by utilizing all that he has.

If you would like to manage people, influence people then BBA is the right choice for you. If you would like to advice people and organisations during bad times then Economics is right for you. Hope you are clear now. Good luck.

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RE: Which course to choose bba or b.a hons(economics)?

Gomathi Venkat
Gomathi Venkat
Verified Career Expert
Managing Director at GV Counseling Group
  • Bengaluru

Dear aspirant & Thank you for approaching counsellors at I perfectly understand your confusion as it is more common for students to experience this. As a counsellor i get to hear this question almost at least twice a day and be relaxed that it is not something that worries only you. You have two options in hand and they are economics and business. Ask yourself what you like business or economics? If you cannot answer or understand clearly then take a psychometric assessment test from this website. Taking this test you will understand what you like to do in future and you will also know your personality type and the suitable careers you can do accordingly.& Apart from the test i will brief you on what you will study in these two degrees and what you will do in future careers. If you choose BBA it is a complete business and management degree. You will absolutely study no economics in this degree. You will study about marketing management, human resource management, business ethics, operations management, business communications, project management, vendor management and many more. You will also study about entrepreneurship and running business. So if you have interest in doing business or joining a business firm or any time in future aspire studying an MBA, then this is the best route for you. If you want to become a manager in future or even be in a leadership role in a company then this is definitely the best route. So just choose BBA.

Next if you like so much economics and have no interests or even have no thoughts of studying an MBA in future then choose to study BA Economics and after that a MA EConomics and finally a PhD Economics. Frankly speaking i meet many students or persons who says they have studied BE Mechanical and immediately feel to study an MBA, and I dont know why? I feel there is no point in investing money and time in a four year degree when you immediately aspire for an MBA immediately after bachelors degree. Alternatively if you have some minimum three years of experience and then want to get into management roles, then choosing an MBA is apt. Therefore, if you have plans to do an MBA in a short span of time then choose BBA, if you have intense love for economics then study BA Economics and go upto studying a Phd. That is the real justice to education and development and i hope my perspectives will be considered by you. ALL the best.

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RE: Which course to choose bba or b.a hons(economics)?

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