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Surabhi Dewra verified
"Career Counsellor , For the BestCareer Counseling"

12 Years of Experience,
Expertise in Graduates Counselling
Surabhi Dewra is a Certified Master Career Guide

273 Followers      53 Sessions Conducted

Surabhi is an entrepreneur who is utilizing creativity, leadership, and teamwork to design and execute CareerGuide.Com - A marketplace to get instant career answers from career experts. Her engineering degree brings in a strong tech understanding, whereas her passion for education brings her close to the venture: CareerGuide.Com. Translating her passion into a business where every student can have answers to their career questions is what she dreams of. She is a task-focused leader and gives counseling.

Career Counsellor Surabhi Dewra

Pictures from career counsellors Surabhi Dewra

Pictures of Surabhi Dewra
Pictures pic of Surabhi Dewra
Pictures pic of Surabhi Dewra

Career counsellor Surabhi Dewra's Journey

Why did you choose to become a career counsellor?

My passion for helping others brought me into this field. I am an engineering graduate from BITS Pilani, As a student, I have seen many people struggling to decide what is the right career path for them, and that boosted my passion to help people make informed decisions about their career, which is very rewarding and fulfilling for me.

What would you like to tell a student or a professional who comes to you for guidance?

When someone comes to me for career guidance, I tell them that understanding your strengths and skills is important for finding a career that is a good fit. Take the time to identify what you're good at and what you enjoy doing. Once you've identified your career goals, it's important to take action to achieve them. This may involve setting short-term and long-term goals, developing a plan, and taking steps to build your skills and experience. Career paths and industries are constantly changing, so it's important to stay open to learning and developing new skills. This can help you stay competitive in the job market and find new opportunities for growth.

What does a career session with you look like?

I begin the session by asking questions to gain an understanding of the individual's current situation, goals, and challenges in their career. After knowing that, I do assessments to help the individual identify their strengths, interests, and values. This information can help the individual explore career options that align with their unique profile. Based on the individual's goals and the career options explored, I help the individual develop a career plan that outlines specific steps to achieve their career goals. I provide ongoing support to the individual as they navigate their career path, which includes coaching, accountability, and feedback on their progress.

Which tools do you use for career guidance?

Career assessments are one of the tools I use to help people identify their interests, values, skills, and personality traits so they can make informed career decisions. It helps individuals research different careers and industries to find opportunities that align with their skills and interests. This may involve looking at labor market trends, job growth projections, and educational requirements for different careers.

What is your success mantra in your life?

For me, the success Mantra is the consistent effort and persistence to achieve goals.It also necessitates a dedication to ongoing learning and development. Life is full of ups and downs. Resilience is essential for overcoming setbacks and challenges. It's important to cultivate a growth mindset and learn from failures and mistakes.

Career counselling services from career counsellor

Class 10:
  • 21st century skill test
  • Learn about entrance exams and colleges
  • Stream wise list of top colleges

Class 11th and 12th:
  • Career clarity service for science
  • Career clarity service for abroad admission
  • 21st century skills and learning test grade 12

College students:
  • Profile building service
  • Higher education India guidance
  • Job guaranteed service

Career counsellors:
  • Become a master with careerguide
  • Career counsellor's power up package
  • Earn with careerguide

Study abroad:
  • Undergraduation
  • Master's
  • MBA

Working professionals:
  • Masterclass for working professionals
  • Linkedin, resume creation and review
  • Starting Up guidance

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Reviews for career counsellor Surabhi Dewra

Shivam Saxena

Reviewed on 10/6/2022 4:56:46 PM

She was very thoughtful in giving guidance and her conversations were very detailed and it addressed out concerns.She repeatedly suggested me to do one thing that is,consistently putting efforts into the desired field.In the end I would want to thank her for his dedicated time and effort.Thank you!

Shruti Patel

Reviewed on 10/6/2022 5:13:51 PM

It was very nice and interactive. Counsellor was very good and happy to say that she has very well explained the results. Provided guidance on future prospects. Thanks for align such a good counsellor.

Shubhangi Singh

Reviewed on 10/6/2022 5:20:27 PM

It was very nice talking to Surabhi mam. She gave me enough knowledge on the varied options that I can choose from. She made me understand everything very clearly. She answered all my queries with full enthusiasm.


Reviewed on 8/17/2023 7:48:42 PM



Reviewed on 8/17/2023 7:49:01 PM


Salma kouser

Reviewed on 11/12/2023 11:09:51 AM



Reviewed on 3/11/2024 12:08:50 PM



Reviewed on 4/26/2024 6:57:15 AM


Reviewed on 6/17/2024 9:55:23 PM

More About Surabhi Dewra

Surabhi Dewra is CEO of She is one of the top Indian woman entrepreneurs.

Surabhi Dewra is CEO of She is one of the top Indian woman entrepreneurs. She has won numerous honors, including the most recent "50 Fabulous Global Edutech Leader" award, and has been included among the top 25 prominent women in India. Surabhi frequently speaks about career, education, women in leadership, and economic-related issues on national and international TV and in the media. Surabhi is a member of a panel of many Ministry bodies of the Government of India. She created a framework for policies regarding career counseling and guidance in the country. Surabhi graduated from BITS Pilani with a degree in EEE (One of the most prestigious institutes in India). Surabhi used college electrical and electronics degree to understand application of technology for betterment of human life. Her interest lies in intersection of science and humanities which was reflected in choice of her electives, projects and activities. After finishing her engineering degree, she worked on some wireless devices in the semiconductor business before entering the world of entrepreneurship to launch has ascended to the top of the Indian job advisory market because of her She started her journey as a summer intern, then as an engineering intern and design engineer. Later on, she becomes an advisor and then found and finally chief executive officer of She has several certificates and experiences which help her to become a top career counselor in India. She has 12 years of experience and expertise in graduate counseling. Till now she successfully conducted 53 sessions and different schools and colleges.

Surabhi Dewra who is a task-focused leader designed and launched, a place where users can ask career experts questions immediately. Surabhi does this by combining her creativity, leadership, and teamwork. Her engineering background gives her a solid understanding of technology, while her love of learning draws her close to the endeavor. She hopes to turn her passion into a company where every student can find answers to their queries about careers. She is a coordinator and a leader who is task-focused.

Career counselling services from career counsellor Surabhi Dewra

Class 10th:
  • 21st century skill test
  • Learn about entrance exams and colleges
  • Stream wise list of top colleges
Class 11th and 12th:
  • Career clarity service for science
  • Career clarity service for abroad admission
  • 21st century skills and learning test grade 12
College students:
  • Profile building service
  • Higher education India guidance
  • Job guaranteed service
Career counsellors:
  • Become a master with CareerGuide
  • Career counsellor's power up package
  • Earn with CareerGuide
Study abroad:
  • Under graduation
  • Master's
  • MBA
Working professionals:
  • Masterclass for working professionals
  • Linkedin, resume creation and review
  • Starting Up guidance


CareerGuide one of the leading career counseling platform CareerGuide has been offering holistic career solutions to the students and professionals in need and guidance to the concerned parents to take informed decisions for their ward.

Our team has broad industry knowledge as well as key advisers in various domains. Our clients range from engineer to artists and enterprise sales Professionals to advocates.

  • Being an integral part of the operations and recruitment process for various multinationals we have observed the rising need of proper career mapping.
  • When you hire us, you are hiring a team of professionals who are trained and skilled to deliver, the best suitable solution for you or your child career.

From the initial assessment, in process of planning implementation we guide you in everything on that basis we to career guide apply the most effective solution which is best suited for you, our counselors make recommendations that fits your requirement.

CareerGuide informs you about your strength and shortcomings help in knowing yourself well through psychometric And counseling sessions and also assist you in making decisions in your life. So, go ahead with CareerGuide. When you are choosing us you are choosing a group of experienced counselors and advisors who will help you in every possible way