A Nagaraj Subbarao Career Expert

A Nagaraj Subbarao

Career Advisor & Professor, Alliance University

A Nagaraj Subbarao

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About A Nagaraj Subbarao

As Director of Human Resources I have the challenging task of assisting the university in attracting, developing, and retaining individuals with the skills, perspectives, and experience necessary to drive a rapidly growing educational institution that has a vision to transform itself into a globally ranked one in the near future. As Program Director at Alliance University, School of Business I have an interesting multifaceted job that ranges from Business Development to Operations Management, Audit Surveys and maintaining a P&L Account for a Strategic Business Unit As Professor I profess on Human Resource Development and Organization Behavior to students in the MBA .class and industry executives in the Executive MBA and Executive PGDM class. As a Dredge Master/Navigator & Sea Captain, I saw life, humans and nature at close quarters and experienced the best and worst of all three. That is what, I think made my career at sea, both exciting and very cherishable. When you deal with humans at such close quarters, as you do on a ship, you realize that humans are not ‘resources’ but entities of immense potential, that if harnessed well, will be productive but if treated just as ‘resources’ or ‘talent’ will eventually behave like commodities & not as humans. Port development and Dredging are niche industries. I consulted in the area for a couple of years, post which I’ve taken to academia.. I enjoy corporate training and have executed a few over the last couple of years with some success. I live in Bengaluru with Malathi, who works at the Deeksha Center for Learning as a student counselor. Gautam our son is reading to be an electrical engineer at IIT- R, Roorkee ( UK )- India My Credo: You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life. W.Churchill. You can view my blog at: http://capnagaraj.blogspot.com

 A Nagaraj Subbarao, Career Advisor & Professor, Alliance University, is a career counsellor based at Bengaluru, Karnataka area. View all career counsellors from Bengaluru


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Hi Apurv Yes, of program you can join in the Navy or Air Force after completing your BCA Program. To apply for these programs, firstly you have to participate in CDS (COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICE) Examination. The full name of CDS is Combined Defence Service and this entrance examination is organized by the Department of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). Exams will be held twice in a year as namely CDS-part 1st (COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICE) and CDS-part 2nd (COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICE). Anyone can join these following Defence Services by cleared the exam of Combined Defence Service. Air force Aca

Answered by: A Nagaraj Subbarao, Career Advisor & Professor, Alliance University, on March 29, 2016

Hi Muskan Merchant Navy is always considered a very exciting career because it is full of adventurous life. In Merchant Navy you need to a lot of travelling of all around the world. It may also have paid an impressive salary for their employees. That is the reason thousands of young candidates in India attract to join Merchant Navy and join the most adventurous life. Merchant Navy is a commercial/private raft which deals with commodities transportation in all around the world. Nowadays, a large percentage of export and imports are migrating through the sea. Except this, you do not have any oth

Answered by: A Nagaraj Subbarao, Career Advisor & Professor, Alliance University, on March 29, 2016