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Chartered Accountant - Career Queries

Hello Sauvik,  You said you wish to get into Research division of ISRO and other big organization. But here I see no research when it came to your own career. The reason for me being rude above is because it was as simple as logging in to the website and you would have got your information. Please note because of lack of initiativeness, you have missed the last date of application this year. Now you have no option bur wait for the next year. Hence this time to be conscious, sending you the link which you need to follow at regular intervals. Check:  / In the website, check the career

BSE nd NSE what will I need to do for that

Hello Pankaj,  5 months vacation are you sure?. But this also means you aint planning for engineering. Because then you have to appear for an entrance exam. Anyways you should at this stage take up courses that would be an addon. Computers is the best course. Adavance course in computers, tally, animation, web designing, graphic designing etc. You could also think of personality development, sports and other hobby courses. As far as courses after PCM is concerned: Computers ( B.SC IT, BCA, B.SC Computer sciences) Pharmacy Gaming technology Astronomy Pilot Biotechnology Statistic honors M

you can do CA along with   Because most of the syllabus is same.

Hello Rama,   After such a long hardwork and struggle for 3 years article-ship, I would strongly suggest you to not give up with the CA exam.   I do agree that the IPCC groups are tough to clear and takes many attempts. But since you have gone this far, dont give up. Try everything possible, but do not give up.   Hence I would not discuss any further option, because that would demotivate you to put in more efforts to clear CA.  Wish you good luck.....

just go to now. it will definitely help u. be happy.

go to for better information ask your question there.

Hello Mohit,  Before you opt for a travel and tourism course, check if it is IATA or UFTA recognised. Only then will your degree will be valid. Thomas cook is a well known brand in the tourism sector. Do check their website if their course is IATA or UFTA recognised. Wish you good luck...