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Security Analysts are the professionals who are responsible for the security of data and information of an organization by keeping it secured using advanced technologies.
hello there,To start with let me first introduce myself. I am working as financial analyst in a private company and I am having more than three years of experience in the same field, I would like to share the above video in the context of a typical day of a security analyst.In the above video you can see what and all actually the security analyst is required to do and what is a day to day working of a security analyst.More or less it includes a huge range of roles and responsibilities. He/she needs to work in all spehers as mentioned below:Collecting Information: Main work lies in gathering in
Hello dear friend...As per your query about the saturation of jobs as a security analyst I would say no I do not see any kind of saturation in the job of a security analyst as the work what security analyst is do is not a routine or monotonous job which can be replaced and will degrade with time, it is completely opposite it needs lot of advanced tools and techniques which will only upgrade with time and will increase its demand.all companies need a security analyst what ever may be the business the requirement of a security analyst is a must in growing world and changing working conditi
Hello student.... , I would like tell whatever is the course or career choice academic record is always important to some extent varying from courses to courses. It is a just like getting the foundation strong before constructing the building. It is all about getting the base strong and then moving ahead to have good hold on your subject. As per my knowledge in security analyst field it is really important to get your basics in place as it is a technical field and will involve many terms and techniques which will be crucial and can be learned through th
Hello there....First let me introduce you to me, I am working as a financial analyst in a private company and I am having experience of more than three years in the same field.I did my MBA in finance from IIM Shillong and before that I was working as operation officer in Govt company.Coming to your question I would like to say as a security analyst a lot many opportunities lies in India and In foreign countries as well. With the changing work culture of working in computer systems,less paper work, improved technology all companies are in need of a security analyst. To secure their data, system
Hello dear friend....To start with let me first introduce you to myself and about my back ground, I did MBA in finance from IIM Shillong and currently working as a financial analyst in a private company, before that was working in a govt company after competing my btech from nit bhopal, having a working experience in corporate and so many things moving around me I think i can relate to your query and can provide an answer for it.coming to your query about the earning prospects in next five year as security analayst I would like to say it is very high and with good increments too. it is very go
Hello Dear,,, I would suggest some of the best books for security nalyst which I came across from my colleagues and friends working in same field,are mentioned below: Security analyst and port folio management by M ranganathan and R. Madhumati Security analyst and port folio management by pandian Security analysis by David Dodd, Benjamin Graham foreward by warren E.buffet Security analysis and port folio mangemnet by S. Kevin Security analysis and port folio management by Anoop Pant, D.N. prasad Security anal
News concerning information security may also include projections for the field. Information security news / , for instance, may cover recent developments in AI and ML and how they might be used to better protect sensitive information and computer networks. Possible topics include the effects of 5G networks and IoT on data protection and privacy online.
As the name suggests, Security Analysts are people who are basically into security.As a Security Analysts, one is responsible for:Protecting all sensitive documents in the officeAll networks have adequate security to avoid unauthorized accessMaking day to day reports about the security and handing over the reports to the managementTraining the employees about the security and getting them well equipped with the securityTo see all the systems both hardware and software are updated as per the security standardsSo from the above it is clear that a Security Analysts plays
Hello dear friend...Thank you for coming to and asking your query to us, we will try our best to answer our query.The average pay for a average security analyst is most probably between the pay package of four to five lakhs per annum. but gradually with experience you can move into high scale pay and position in the same field, the highest pay package offered in this field is to skills associated with job of security risk management and information security and infra structure people and the rate of job satisfaction is very high in this sector or we can say that four out f ever
Hello dear student.. I would try and explain as clear and to the point as possible which will help and guide you in the career path to see better future in the security analyst work and responsibilities. Security analyst working includes below mentioned things which are important also in their day to day workings: Designing a plan and strategies for the security need of the company and implementing it in a innovative way as possible. keeping the useful data back up time to time of the company with the use of servers and at tim
Hello dear friend... Thank you for coming to and asking your query to us, we will try our best to answer you your query. The average pay for a average security analyst is most probably between the pay package of four - five lakhs per annum. But gradually with experience you can move into high scale pay and position in the same field, the highest pay package offered in this field is to skills associated with this job of security risk management and Information security and infra structure people and the rate of job satisfaction is very high in this
Hello dear student... Your query is about working in public sector organizations as a security analyst, It is my pleasure to answer your query about the security analyst field. As per your query I would Like to inform you yes all possibilities are there for all to work as a security analyst in public sector organizations. Just the process is different, you need to go through entrance exams conducted by govt for the post of security analyst. First thing is when ever some opening of such type is there than you need to keep a track of it, than you need t
Dear student...The key areas on which every security analyst works most of the time are having wide scope and range.To describe precisely some of them I listed below for your kind reference:Designing a plan and strategies for security needs of companyLaying down and proper implementation of the designed plans and strategies.Keeping back up of all the useful data of the company through servers and in times supporting all if needed by providing that dataRisk management: to minimize the risk of losses through proper plans and use of good advanced tolls and techniques.Securing the data, network an
Hello,To get a descent job as security analyst you need to know what work actually they do in there day to day life so please watch the below given video carefully, which will give you a insight about the work life of a security analyst and the role they do in a company as well.Hope after seeing the video you got at least some idea about the work of a security analyst and responsibilities given to them and how they complete their tasks efficiently. Apart from that I would like to give you a overview about the necessary skills required as a fresher to get a descent job as a security analyst.The
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