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It is a general misconception that some children are born intelligent while most are average and a few below average. Alright! Now I do believe that everybody takes their own time in understanding things and excelling them but is it really true that the maximum number of students who are amazingly good at studies born that way? I don’t think so! What is it that smart students have that others don’t have in them? Let me tell you what is it that makes them do exceptionally well as compared to other students. They engage in classrooms Smart students just don’t sit
Hi, Yes, you can apply for jobs. There are many jobs in both Private and Government Sector. I will suggest you go through Government Sector and prepare for Bank Jobs. You can start preparing for IBPS Exams. As there are many scopes in the Banking Sector. You can apply for PO, SO, Clerk. You can also apply for Private Bank jobs if you are interested in it. Thanks
Hello Manish, Every problem has 2 solutions. One is to quit and second is to persevere. Choice is hers completely. I can understand that its a struggle because of continuous failure. I would suggest she starts an internship under a CA and know what the work is all about and then if she is interested she can continue. Incase she is a student, then probably a good coaching can be helpful. I would suggest few more tries. Failure is a part of this professional course and please note best to best student also faces many attempts. Hope this helps. Wish you good luck..
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Consulting Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Counselor at Adaptive Minds
Finance and Tax professional
Educational And Vocational Career Guide
Director The Right Way Education Group
Career Counselor/ Director at Educomp Vidyamandir Classes
Corporate Trainer,Career Counselor,Risk Advisor/Process audits-Chartered Accountant at Self-employed/Freelancer
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