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Lecturers - Career Queries

The UGC NET Exam was conducted in three phases in previous years but it was converted to 2 phases only from last few years.  National Eligibility test is held in two phases now. UGC NET Paper 1 and Paper 2. To check the exam pattern or prepare for the exam you can check out the UGC NET Question Papers now and skill out your preparations.   

Hi Shubhadeep  To prepare for the UGC NET Education exam you can take help from the list of Books given below and the UGC NET Question Papers to take help from the previous year papers for taking help for the exam pattern and exam level - UGC NET Education by Gupta R UGC NET Education Books by Ansari Modern UGC NET Exam Books by Anmol Publishers UGC NET Education Books by Trueman Publications UGC NET Education Books by Atlantic Publishers

Always remember that all you need to prepare for any examination is a good study material. Which covers all the topics of the syllabus. JAM 2018 Exam will be conducted on 11th February 2018. So there are only few months are left. A good JAM Study Material is which contains notes in a good quality and easy to understand, previou years question papers and mock tests also. You have to prefer best reference books.

Hi Onkar Singh, The Candidate should have a Master’s Degree in the concerned or relevant subject along with a good academic record throughout one's academic career to apply for the post of Lecturer/Demonstrator. Candidates seeking promotion to the post of Assistant Professor should have the above mention qualification and should have qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) or equivalent from UGC/CSIR or equivalent, alternatively, PhD in the relevant discipline. Selection Procedure to the post of a Professor Minimum Qualifications Required is NET/SLET.  NET- National Eligibility Te

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Hello, The National Testing agency (NTA) is a well known organization which conducts the exams like CSIR NET, UGC NET, JEE, etc. The CSIR NET (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research - National Eligibility Test) is one of the most popular exam among master degree holders. Candidate who qualifies this exam, can become eligible for the JRF – Junior Research Fellowship and for the post of Assistant Professor.   The CSIR NET Exam is only conducted for the science stream aspirants for following subjects - Physical Science Chemical Science Mathematical Science Earth Science Life

Candidates who pursued Engineering (4-year course)can directly apply for the post of Assistant Professor in various institutes and colleges of India. But those who pursue M.Sc should have to qualify the CSIR NET Exam to become a lecturer. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research conducts CSIR NET Exam for those aspirants who want to become Assistant Professor or aspiring for JRF (Junior Research Fellowship). The exam is conducted for 5 subjects -  Physical Science Chemical Science Mathematical Science Earth Science Life Science   CSIR Not caters the CS subject so, you can not