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This exam is one of the most reputed and is conducted on all India basis. The level of examination is high and tough due to the limited number of seats. The examination for IIT JAM 2018 will be conducted soon. You must have to work hard to crack this exam. Download the previous year question papers and start solving them chapter wise. You should also buy books with containing previous year question papers. Start attempting mock tests. Manage a proper time table and be stick with it. Last but not least, Be confident!
Many will say that - "It's all about the efforts you can put in your preparation." But, I think, the most important thing is to put efforts in the right direction. Needless efforts can waste your precious time. Like, you must prepare hard with a good study material, not with any study material available in the market. Invest your time in searching good study material. Check out this - Eduncle Review for CSIR NET Preparation. Hope this can be helpful in saving your precious time. Do that, after which you can apply the previous line - "It's all about the efforts you can put in your preparat
UGC NET exam will be held in May 2021. What exactly has to be done, to get a great score in Commerce, so that you get JRF in one attempt only? Based on our experience, allow us to share a few “must to do” tips: Tip No. 1 – Now that the Syllabus has changed, are previous year's questions still relevant? We have compared, word by word, earlier syllabus and new syllabus. We found that only 4-5% of topics have been removed from the earlier syllabus. On the other hand, about 25-30% new topics have been added. It means two things (a) Overall syllabus has increased in size by
Many institutions/universities conduct interview rounds for hiring the right UGC NET Lectureship candidates and the most important part of it is to present yourself in a way that convinces the interviewers to hire you. Here, I'm sharing some great interviews for UGC NET that you can watch (UGC NET Topper's Strategy | JRF in Commerce with 99.73 Percentile - June 2020) There are certain important things to keep in mind before you go for a job interview. These will help you to be more confident, positive, and focused throughout the process. 1. Common Questions Asked in Interviews (With Answers) l
FreeLancer Academic and Career Guidance Counsellor
Lecturer at Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science & SW
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Consulting Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Counselor at Adaptive Minds
Asst. Prof. & Student Counsellor
Educational And Vocational Career Guide
Owner-Promoter of PlanetVidya group of Institutes
Career Consultant at Taxila Business School
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