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Industrial Engineer - Career Queries

Industrial engineering is all about designing and managing methods and procedures to increase productivity , qaulity and efficency in manufacturing process. The increasing complexity of industrial operations , expansion of automated processes in factories and offices is contributing to the increasing demand of industrial engineers. Industrail engineers are hired by manufacturing units to take care of their manufacturing processes, engineering consultancy services , public sector industries like petroleum, steel and chemical, medical & pharmceutical organizations, textile industry, telecomm

Industrial engineers help businesses determine the most effective ways to use their machines, people, and energy to make products.Normally, industrial engineers are hired to increase the productivity of a manufacturing facility while reducing wasted materials. They start their work by studying the product specifications, and then use mathematical models to design systems and methods that will help the business meet their production goals.There are many opportunities for industrial engineers in non-manufacturing areas, as well. For example, they sometimes help employers figure out how they shou

Industrial engineers determine the most effective ways for an organization to use the basic factors of production-people, machines and materials to make a product or provide a service.Industrial engineers design better methods and facilities for manufacturing and services. They study the various industrial processes involved, use mathematical models and computer simulation to devise new manufacturing systems that are more efficient.They calculate how much work each machine or worker should deliver and if necessary initiate the use of automation and robots. They aid in financial planning and co