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The typical day of a Material Science Engineer is spent like this:Material Science Engineers have to understand the chemistry behind the materials in order to develop new ones. Therefore they study a lot to develop the understanding.They conduct tests and experiments on different types of materials in the laboratories.The data is collected from different experiments.They analyze the data samples that they have taken and work on them to draw the conclusions.They are also responsible for developing new methods of testing, material processing and maintaining inventories. They work with the s

You will have to choose M.Tech+Ph.D. degree at least after your engineering degree to [become a researcher in Material Science][1]. You have to apply for M.Tech or M.Tech+Ph.D. dual degree. Please prepare yourself for a good GATE/NET score so that you will be eligible for a Fellowship (UGC/DBT/CSIR/DST/JRF-SRF) /Teaching Assistance-ship (mostly in IITs) during your research. You can apply for M.Tech or M.Tech+Ph.D. dual degree even without GATE/NET score. Many good ranked autonomous deemed universities have their own entrance exams for fellowship as well as for admission. You have to keep

In India I feel that the best career pathway for a Material Science Engineer nowadays is research. I will suggest you to complete your M.Tech and Ph.D. degrees so that you can work in any research lab or in Research & Development (R&D) department of any good Industry. Now there are handsome fellowships in India as well as abroad to work as a research scientist after completing your M.Tech or Ph.D. degree. Next pathway is to join a manufacturing Industry as a Engineer. You can complete your MBA either sponsored or part-time so that you can develop your managerial and administrative skil

As you can see in this image you will find the agglomeration of different field related to Materials Science. Material Science is basically deals with the materials. In the 21st Century world is changing so fast it needs more and more new materials and composites day by day. As you have not mentioned your background I will not be able to suggest best option for you but I will try to give a birds view on all the related field to material science. You can choose what best suits you according to your interest and background. Nanotechnology is a upcoming science which can be applied in material sc

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Everything we see and use is made of materials : cars, airplanes, computers , refrigerators, microwave ovens, TVs, dishes , silverware, athletic equipment of all types, DVDs and bio medical devices such as replacement joints and limbs. All of these require materials specifically tailored for their application. Specific properties are required that results from carefully selecting the materials and from controlling the manufacturing processes used to convert the basic materials into the final engineered product. Exciting new product developments frequently are possible only through new material

ADMISSION AND COURSES: This field consists of an expansive range of academic education apart from MBBS. It comprises of diploma courses after 10th in medical field and Diploma Courses In Medical Field After 12th as well. In addition, certificate courses, bachelor/masters degree programmes and numerous brief time-frame knowledge booster courses for medicine professionals. The hopefuls having PCB or PCMB group in their +2 class show up for the NEET exam to gain admission to the best medical colleges of the nation. Different colleges and universities from abroad and in India a

Political Science As many of us don't really know what political science HON is about, some ask is it about Political parties? Or do you want to be a politician?  As I have to tell you it's a lot more than political parties or winning the election.It encompasses many broad areas of daily life. For example - government and people, public administration and their importance, International relations Etc Public Administration So the main job of a public official is to implement the government policies and it's their responsibility to see that execution of any policy is done precisely and with

Engineering is a wide subject of interest and knowledge for many. And Engineering has various branches that one can choose from. Material Science and Metallurgy is one such stream that the engineering offers. As you enter into the world of Engineering in Material Science and Metallurgy, you open wide career prospects for yourself. With diverging branches leading into various industries, one can find the scope of their future in any field relating to metallurgy and science. Some of the specific fields under this course which engineers focus on specifically are: ceramics, polymers, metals, solid