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I am no manufacturing engineer but it was nice knowing about one. Even though my friend is one at yttarps I never found myself interested in his routine. Now I would like to ask him all about it.
Manufacturing engineers have a high level of technical expertise and skill, which they use to plan, design, setup, modify, optimise and monitor manufacturing processes. Since the basic principles of manufacturing engineering apply to all industries they can work in numerous sectors including food and drink, oil, plastics and pharmaceuticals.They work to produce high quality goods efficiently using the most cost-effective methods and with the aim of reducing the impact of production on the environment.Manufacturing engineers are designers, as well as analytical and creative thinkers. They can o
Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Counselor, Life Coach, Facilitator at Elation Life Coaching
Chief Career Counselor Abhinav Career Scope
Career Counselor/Canadian Education and Visa Expert
Career Counselor and Director at Divakaram
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