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Forensic science today is a vital and crucial part of the today’s police, judicial and other investigating systems, where a forensic expert deals with the helpers in a close coordination to find out the evidence and depicts the same to the courts and helps in the whole process of investigation to prove the results.To reach a certain conclusion or say a definite result, forensic experts adopt various forensic science procedures and theorems in the investigation of criminal cases. The MBBS students have the advantage over the other field students in the field of forensic science, as they a
Students just after the 12th standard. Wanders around to collect the information about the various courses available as per their interests. For those who are from the science background, the majority of the students takes the engineering or plain BSc or at extent specialized BSc as a subject, their vision is somewhat restricted to these lines only. In India, a bulk proportion of the students, as well as they, don’t know about various challenging and job oriented courses, Forensic science is one among them. Due to lack of the information and discussions not only in the communities but al
MD PhD,(CABMM) and University Hospital Zurich
Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Career Counselor
Chief Executive Counsellor at Mind's Eye-
Educationist/Director at Ashoka Education Foundation
Managing Director at SIFS INDIA
Career Counselor/Assistant Professor at Shoolini University
Career Counselor/Canadian Education and Visa Expert
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