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An Orthodontist is a specialist who has undergone special training in a dental school or college after he/she has graduated in dentistry. Orthodontics examine, diagnose, and treat dental malocclusions and oral cavity anomalies. They design and fabricate appliances to realign teeth and jaws to produce and maintain normal function and to improve appearance. The specialty deals primarily with the diagnosis, prevention and correction of malpositioned teeth and the jaws.
courses after bds Hi, BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery is a very dynamic medical education branch. Considering the Career Opportunities in Dentistry in India and abroad this field of Dental Surgery has become attractive these days. The awareness campaign by the government and volunteer organizations made people aware about their dental hygiene that’s why precautionary measures and care thereof have become a norm so obviously it requires more Dental Practitioners than it did previously. Take here: - Psychometric Career Tests including Ideal Career Test to find the right career option
@cookie clicker I am also curious about the income, I used to want to be a dentist
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Dear AspirantThanks for contacting us as your query is valuable for us and we always try to realize your dream with our experiences and conviction to motivate you utmost. This is the primafacy of our profession to diagnose your problem in any shape so be happy and comfortable to read our points that is very much factual and illustrative. 1. As my fellow colleagues have already mentioned the eligibility criteria and shown you the alternatives which are very much convincing at technical ground so be prepared according to our joint effort to facilitate / enlighten you by several realistic op
Hi Vikram, After MA you may carry on the study further or can apply for a job in the related field. There is various scope after the master's degree. If you are interested in lectureship at the university level or in colleges you may appear for selection exam or can go for the research. The UGC NET or CSIR NET exams are conducted for the selection of assistant professor post in universities or colleges and for junior fellowship award or to pursue the Ph.D. The candidates who have completed the post graduation degree can apply for NET exam. The NTA will conduct the UGC NET exam twice
After BDS, you can do clinical courses like diplomas in dentistry. Otherwise, you can do administrative/management courses to get into the managerial positions. As most of the BDS is doing the management course in order to find a better career. As the demand for healthcare managers and hospital administrators is increasing in the medical/healthcare industry. Know about the management skills that you can learn for the career advancement - Click here
Hello There, In general, to study genetics, the student needs to be from the Science background. Mainly should have studied and must have an interest in Biology, as mainly genetics would study of genes and chromosome and cells and their intercations. Hence apart from Biology, one must have equal understanding and knowledge of physics and chemistry. Hence after a masters in chemistry too, you could opt for a research in Genetics. But as a word of caution, I would suggest, check with the University you wish to apply to, as to their eligibility criteria. Hope this helps. Wish you good
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MD PhD,(CABMM) and University Hospital Zurich
Career Guide, Educationist, Author and Clinical Psychologist
Founder And Director At Canvas Career
Counselor at Adaptive Minds
Career Counsellor and Co-Founder of CANVAS CAREER
Career Counselor
Chief Executive Counsellor at Mind's Eye-
Dental Surgeon, Career Counselor, Enterpreneur
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