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Career counselor - Career Queries

3 answers k.n. jha in Career counselor category
0 answer in Career counselor category
0 answer in Career counselor category

HelloI would firstly like to understand what sort of counselor are you trying to be?As you understand your interest it would be easier for us to resolve your query. Still the admission in the course depends on your grads in the graduation you have done. It requires at least 60+ % to enter any masters course. You can opt for Masters in Sociology and start with being a life skill counselor for a group. Getting in clinical is a bit difficult for now.

1 answer Rohit Gala in Career counselor category
0 answer in Career counselor category

Sir St candidate rank 2150 but first pashe counciling date not given.....I hope second counciling date please given second counciling date

1 answer in Career counselor category

Career in wildlife sciences is catching up with the Indian students nowadays. You can opt to be a wildlife conservationist, wildlife biologist, scientist/researcher/technician, etc. Eligibility is a Degree in science (PCM), agriculture, forestry, veterinary science, etc. Employment opportunities exist in journalism, photography, NGOs, animal care, law, etc. Most of the institutes are based in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Wildlife Institute of India also offers post graduate diploma in advanced wildlife management. TIFR offers M.Sc in Wildlife Biology and Conservat

1 answer Bella  Arora in Career counselor category
0 answer in Career counselor category
0 answer in Career counselor category
0 answer in Career counselor category

Hi There, I see excellent answer given by both the counselors above but they are mainly pertaining to Career counseling. Just would like to share my view point in terms of Personal counseling. In case if you wish to be a Personal counselor whereby you wish to handle general issues of clients, you need to be a Counselor by profession. By counselor I mean, you need to have a Masters degree either in Clinical Psychology or Masters in Counseling psychology. You can pursue a masters degree, once you have cleared your Graduation in Psychology. As a Psychologists you would be well versed with

3 answers Meghna Mukherjee in Career counselor category

Dear Aspirant, To be an Education Counselor, you need to be very proficient in communication, presentation skills. Education Counselor needs to be aware of each and every happening in the education field, which gives him the confidence to tackle the queries of the students. You can become an Education Counselor preferably after working in the industry and gaining good qualifications. Best wishes

2 answers Dr. Anand Wadadekar, PhD in Career counselor category

Many a time, students are at the crossroads when it comes to choosing a specialized course. They either blindly follow their other classmates or surrender meekly to their parents, who thrust their opinions on them. Career counsellors can play a vital role in helping these students to make a right choice, besides it will warn their parents not to pass their unfulfilled career dreams onto their children. Career cannot be taken for granted. There is a term we frequently use in physics called “Resonance” which in short terms means “when we are in tune with the natural frequency”. When

1 answer Renu in Career counselor category

*The best careers advice to give to the young is 'Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.'* - Katharine White horn Any individual would need some Motivation for pursuing any activity in life. If we follow the Maslow’s theory of “Hierarchy of needs” it is a pyramid structure which has Self Actualization on the top followed by Esteem, Love, Safety and Physiological needs in the base. Once the basic needs are fulfilled the individual would look upwards towards need for Self Actualization. Self-actualization is a psychology term which means man's tend

1 answer Renu in Career counselor category

Hello Career counselling is vast and the counselling varies upon the stage and qualification you are in your career. For example the counselling gets different for school goers, college students, graduates, further study aspirants and finally experienced candidates. So developing oneself in career requires in-depth analysis of ones strength, weakness, interests and resources. No matter at what stage of your life you are in, you can always sketch your career plans by listing out the above parameters. Ideally when I was at school, we had a career counsellor, who was extremely supportiv

2 answers Dr Aparna in Career counselor category

Dear Sir/ Madam,Greeting's for the day!!!its good that you are concerned about your Career and that's why you are seeking Career Counselling.Before Selecting any field as a Career, one must follow following simple tricks:1. Find out your Hobbies and make it as your career field2. Try to understand the scope of the field of your Interest3. Get yourself Certified.Now, As per the your question, it seems that you have interest in HTML 5 Designing. So you can select "Web Designing" or "Web Development" as your career.The Scope for HTML is in Boom, as with thousands of new Websites, getting uploaded

1 answer Rahul Shinde in Career counselor category

Hi Nitin,We here are a panel of Counselors and our main objective here is to help the student by being specific and at the same time being brief and at the right time, rather a short period of time possible.The main reason is connecting to students depending on whatever their issues could be.Since the panel here are from varied backgrounds, we are also able to give the student a holistic approach, which not only includes career queries but also psychological and medicinal help.At the same time, student who are unable to get clarifications because some are not good when it comes to written comm

1 answer Surabhi Dewra in Career counselor category

Hi Uttam, Thank you for writing and sharing your concerns. to become a career counselor first you need to identify your target audience who do you want to counsel and guide. Once your target audience is clear for example is it school children/students/college students/working professionals.You need then identify the areas your target audience require guidance/counseling on accordingly, you can identify the source of information and also make a structure of your delivery style that is best suited as per your and your participation. Will it be group counseling, 1-1, online vs offl

2 answers Aditya Sisodia in Career counselor category

Hi, This is great to know that you are preferring to go for [Career guidance][1] . To become a career guide you can do a [Certificate course][2], a diploma or a PG Diploma course in counseling after which you can [practice as a counselor in schools][3],counseling agencies, colleges and educational institutes, counseling centers, or you can also remain self employed.Various universities offer this course like Annamalai University, Ignou, Jamia Milia Islamia University etc...You can apply for it in Annamalai university since the admission process is open now but make sure you do it soon otherwis

1 answer Adhunika Naithani in Career counselor category

Hello Rakesh,I am really Sorry for the late reply. You can surely make it your profession. You can become a counselor and practice counseling this will help you to do what you like i.e. listening to people’s query and solving them. If you still have not done your graduation then you can opt for psychology in your graduation and do Masters in the same with counseling psychology as your specialization. You can also do a PG Diploma in Guidance and Counseling if you like.Good Luck!

1 answer Adhunika Naithani in Career counselor category