
Networking Engineer - Career Queries

hai sir  i have completed my btech in ece and i want to do masters in networking is this a good idea and as ece students is there a chance to do masters in networking.

Go for local shop of learning hardware. And for networking portion you have to do CCNA.

Hi,Greeting's for the day!!!Computer hardware is the combination of different physical parts of the computer. Networking involves linking a group of two or more computer systems for the purpose of sharing information and data. the professionals associated with the disclipline of research of computer hardware and developments of computer networks are known as ["Hardware and Networking Engineers"][1]. They also design and supervise the process of manufacturing and installation of hardware. Presence of Indian and foreign It majors in the country has created a lot of scope for youths in this secto

Hi,Greeting's for the day!!!Computer Hardware is the combination of different physical parts of a computer. Networking involves linking a group of two or more computer systems for the purpose of sharing information and data. The professionals associated with the disclipline of research of computer hardware and development of computer network are known as " Hardware and Networking Engineer". They also design and supervise the process of manufacturing and installation of hardware. Presenceof indian and foreign IT majors in the country has created a lot of scope for youths in this sector.Course D

Hi,Greeting's for the day!!!Students are still not aware of choosing their career in MCA. Before you choose any 1 among the options you have, it is much necessary that you know about the program, what it offers, what are the specialization, how it is useful, what are the job opportunities and the most important point is if the option best for your interest or not.Master of Computer Application (MCA):is a Three- year (Six Semester) Professional Master's Degree in computer Science awarded in India. The course was designed to meet the growing demand for qualified professionals in the field of Inf

Hi,Greeting's for the day!!!Computer hardware is the combination of different physical parts of of computer. Networking involves linking a group of two or more computer systems for the purpose of sharing the information and data. The professionals associated with the discipline of research of computer hardware and developments of computer network are known as hardware and networking engineers. They also design and supervise the process of manufacturing and installation of hardware. Presence of Indian and foreign IT majors in the country has created a lot of scope for youths in this sector.Cour